20. Burger King; Have it Your Way

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I wish I could say we'll be together forever.

(But that can't happen, we both know.)

I want to say the kinks will work themselves out.

(But we both know they won't.)

I love you more than life itself.

(Yeah yeah, I know it's cliche.)

But we have to hide all that we are.

(Love isn't supposed to be restrained.)

Your touch sends me places I've never been.

(Why'd I tell you that??)

I love everything about you.

(Your touch, your smile, your laugh.)

I'd do anything to make you happy.

(And what I'm capable of frightens me.)

When we kiss it's like my air supply's cut off.

(I'm drowning in your love! Bad joke. Sorry.)

But one false move and we're dead.

(Caught and killed is what we'd be.)

Who am I trying to convince that this is bad?

(It sounds like more like me...)

I've been thinking on that for a while.

(And I thought for a very long time.)

Then I realized I really don't care.

(As long as I end up yours as you end up mine.)

If they catch us, what'll they really do?

(Take away my phone? My iPod, too?)

They can't stand in the way.

(At least, not in the way of the feelings I've got for you.)

That's just it.

(Who cares what they say?)

This may not be Burger King.

(But I'll be having it my way.)

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