(Personalized) Dramatic Austin Imagine

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For Hayam, here on Wattpad :)

(*By the way, since the last imagine, which was the Carter one, this whole thing was turned to rated R, and it's really not. There's lots of cute ones to come. I'm not saying that there won't be any more dirty ones... Because there certainly will be. ;) But, not every one is dirty. Just to let you know!*)


"Hayam, can I tell you something?" Austin looks at you and grabs your hand.

"Sure babe. Anything." 

He grabs your other hand and kisses your cheek. "You look really beautiful tonight."

"Are you saying I didn't look beautiful last night?" You stick your tongue out at him.

He laughs. "Way to ruin the moment babe." He shakes his head. 

"Let's just keep walking." You let go of one of his hands and start to walk, but Austin doesn't. You turn back to look at him. You walk towards him. "What's wrong?"

He backs up and shakes his head. "You shouldn't come any closer."

Yo furrow your eyebrows in confusion and step towards him. You wrap your arms around him and rest your forehead on his chest. "Baby? What's wrong? Everything was fine a second ago." 

"Hayam please. Don't make this harder for me." Austin unwraps your arms from his waist and steps back. There are tears in his eyes and some running down his cheeks. 

You shake your head in confusion. "Austin, I don't understand. What happened?"

The moonlight reflects off of his face, making him look like he's glowing. Unfortunately, it makes it easier for you to see the tears on his face. 

"Hayam... This just... This isn't going to work out." 

"W-what's not going to work out?" You stutter out, holding back tears. Even though you know exactly what he's talking about, you're hoping that it's not true.

"Us, babe!" He cries out.

Surprisingly, you don't feel sad, you feel pure anger. "How dare you call me babe if you say that we're not going to work out!"

Austin takes a step towards you. "Hayam, I don't want this! But-"

"Then why are you doing it?!" Before he gets to respond, you turn around and start walking home. 

"Hayam, wait!" You hear footsteps behind you, but you ignore them. Tears are running down your face and you just don't want to see him. Everything was going just fine, perfect actually, and then he breaks up with you out of nowhere. And now he's chasing you? The footsteps get closer and you speed up. "Baby, please! Wait!"

You stop abruptly and turn around. "BABY?! You're calling me baby after you BREAK UP with me?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"This really isn't what I want. Hayam, please believe me. I love you so much."

"Then why are you breaking up with me?" You whisper out.


"Fine. You know what? Fine. If you don't even want to tell me then I don't want to hear it. Have fun with your perfect life, Austin." You turn around and continue to walk home. No footsteps behind you this time.

When you arrive home, you run up to your room, avoiding all your family. You don't bother to turn on the light as you throw yourself onto your bed. You start to cry, and eventually you're crying so hard you just don't have the energy to anymore. Tears still run down your face as you fall asleep...

*Knock, knock, knock* 

You wake up to a knocking sound. You look over to your window and see Austin. You groan and walk over to it.

Opening it, you growl, "What."

"Can I come in? Please?"

You sigh and move aside so he can come in. "What do you want, Austin? You want to take our old pictures, too?!" You whisper-yell. It's 3AM and you don't want to wake up any of your family.

"Hayam... I want to explain." His voice is shaky, and you can tell that he's been crying. 

"Well then. Go ahead." You plop yourself down on your bed and he sits next to you.

He sighs. "It's Mike... He told me that I'm going to be going on tour for a year... And I know that you can't come with me, because of school and your job and everything. And I also know that it would be too hard for you to leave your family." He sighs again. "I just didn't want to have you as mine, if I couldn't hold you in my arms and kiss you every day. Baby, it's just too hard." By this time, he's crying.

You grab his hands and look him straight in the eyes. "Did Mike say that you could bring me?" He nods. You look down at your intertwined fingers and bite your lip. You look back up at him, into his deep hazel eyes. "I'll go." You whisper.

"What?" He looks at you, hopeful.

"I said I'll go."


"Yeah. Yes, it will be hard to leave my family. But if I'm with you, I won't need to worry about a job. There's always online school and you're everything I need. Austin, I love you. I'll go with you."

Austin leans in and presses his lips to yours. "I love you." He mumbles into the kiss.

You pull back. "I love you, too. When do we leave?"

"Next week." 

"Well, I'll start packing." You start to get up. Austin grabs your waist and pulls you back down.

"Start tomorrow. I just want to cuddle right now."

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