Chapter Three: Killing Spree

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Chapter Three: Killing Spree

Black Rock Shooter

(Somewhere off the African coast…)

By then, it’s usually impossible to tear the shadow away; it has become too attached to its host and by ripping it free, you end up killing its host. Yes, the shadow makes them that close, their fates are tied together. To save one means to save the other. To kill one means to kill the other.

Their fates are so close, they’ve become one. Like with me and Miku, except that I may survive if I leave, Miku…

Her chances of survival if I leave permanently are very slim. She’s so used to being there; she’ll likely second guess everything or wait too long. She might be visited as a potential host by a shadow and then confuse its voice and presence for mine.  By then, she’s likely to die; I’ve come to accept this as well. I hardly ever leave to roam so my soul had been put at a stand-still in gaining more light whereas hers had probably either darkened with pain or has started to lock off with grief.

If she’s not dead, I hope she is not dead, I shall end my life should I find her already departed from this plain. I wish not to see her as one of my kind, that’s how much our auras have blended. She would be uncontrollable and likely be killed to protect the species from coming out of hiding. They told me should more like me appear they would be killed.

I refuse to let anyone dare kill Miku. I’ll have their head in Hell before they even get that close.

I sat up with minimal difficulty so I assumed all my wounds were gone but when I looked to inspect myself, I saw a faint line under my breast line and another on my hip. My brow furrowed; as never in all of my life had I ever had a scar. I must have been injured severely in that blast. Come to think about it…I don’t remember getting here.

How am I here?

I stared at the villagers, all were incredibly dark, their skin nearly the color of my hair, with wise brown eyes and tall statures. I assumed I was in Africa. It was the only place I knew of where its original natives all fit that description, and if not completely fit, were close enough.

 “Where am I?” I asked the oldest male in the room, the leader, and he chewed his piece of long grass thoughtfully before standing up and gesturing me to follow him. I was still and he gestured again. This time, I followed. No villagers were attacking me. They knew I would cause them no harm.

They had even healed my wounds at no expense to me. They were good people, it made me sad to think people regarded them as inferior just because they hadn’t gone to school and had no technology. These people, I thought, are smarter than most PhD graduates.

They don’t need a degree to prove their intelligence. They just live. You can see the intelligence then when nothing can get in their way.

I was led to the edge of the village where the leader stopped. He pointed to the wilderness beyond, the wide expanse of tall grass and gnarly trees awaiting me. I looked to him and he nodded. I nodded back and looked to the Sahara.  I took a few steps forward then turned and bowed to him. When I raised my head, I saw he was extending my katana.

I looked behind him and saw several other men holding my launcher. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I took them gratefully, nodding to the other men. They nodded and took a few steps back as a sign of respect. I took steps from their leader and he waved me off before walking back to his village where he was almost immediately bombarded by small children.

Seeing the children, reminded me of Miku when she had been much younger. I remember speaking to her and she mimicked me, her first words being: “Trying your best will only help if you believe it will.” I had told her these words while trying to teach her to play Chinese Go.

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