Jokes On You! ~Leo Valdez One-Shot~

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Jokes On You!

A leo Valdez One-Shot for Kkitkat

     I was so going to get her this time! Leo Valdez, head counsler of the Hephaestus cabin thought, grinning. Kathy is gonna die from this-die laughing! He laughed to himself as he ran up to the pavillion where everyone was eating. A girl with blonde hair and tanned skin waved to him and he bounded over.

Leaning down, he whispered in her ear “Meet me at the dock at midnight?”

She smiled that gorgeous smile that gave me a funny feeling deep in his stomach, “Alright, see you then.”

He headed to the Hephaestus table and sat beside his friend Nyssa, who was arguing with a younger boy, but stopped when he came over.

She gave him a funny look and he raised his black brows “What did I do this time?” he asked, sighing.

“Why do you always talk to that Kathy?”

He shrugged “She’s my friend,”

“I know, which means there must be something wrong with her.”

Leo thought for a moment, and his face clouded over when he understood the insult “Hey!”

Nyssa shrugged “What, she likes you, doesn’t she?”

“Its not like that! We’re just friends!”

Leo hadn’t realized his voice was so loud, and his tanned face flushed as his own table and a few others looked over at him.

“I mean, uh-of course I’m not a pedophile!”

Nyssa groaned and looked away “That makes no sense, Leo. I just meant she tolerated you-to some extent.”

Leo’s face was now bright red and he quickly finished his supper, escaping the laughing eyes of his fellow campers. He fetched something from his cabin –a building of solid metal with whirligigs and blue prints everywhere- and went to set up the prank for Kathy.

As he put the finishing touches on his prank he remembered the first time he had ever met Kathy…

            It was a sunny day at CampHalf Blood and Leo was bored. He had finished all his projects and the pile of scraps under his bed had lost all interest to him.

With a sigh he left bunker nine and headed down to the pavilion, where he thought maybe it would be fun to prank Mr. D’s new megaphone. He really liked that megaphone.

Mr. D had just ordered a new megaphone with extra power and had all these extra gizmos. Leo approached the loading dock for Delphi’s Strawberry Service, where the camp supplies and mail was put, fully prepared to fiddle with the lock, but to his surprise, it was already open.

Leo looked cautiously around the door, ready to shoot fire from his fingertips if needed. Stepping into the room, he heard muffled noises from behind a huge stack of boxes.

He peeked behind a bunch of boxes to see a girl with dirty blonde hair falling midway down her back and quick slightly tanned hands fiddling with a megaphone.

“What’cha doin?” Leo asked, stepping behind her.

“Ahhh!” the girl yelled and dropped her tool.

“Ahhh!” Leo yelled at the same time and fire flew from his fingertips, lighting the girls slim eyebrows on fire.

“My eyebrows are on fire!” the girl yelled in a whispery sort of way, so no one caught them

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