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Once upon a time... Okay forget that crap. This won't start out with once upon a time, and it won't end with Happily ever after! Let's just say it starts with me, another plain, un-extraordinary, fifteen year old girl with one extraordinary problem. Confused yet? Well don't worry I'll explain it in time, but for now let me tell you about me.

Ever since I was a little girl I figured my life was just the same as any other human- being living on this planet. I grew up hearing old wives tales, and about Cinderella losing her glass slipper, Prince Charming comes along, blah blah... Blah. What I didn't know was that I myself belonged in one of those "fairytales." I belonged in a magical place that held so much for me and yet so little.

The downside to this peculiar story is that when I was raised to take magic as a fictional thing that belonged only in my fairytales, I was never prepared to receive the letter.

No not the annual atrocious Happy birthday card my Great Aunt Bertha gives to me at Christmas (She is not in her right mind) but a crisp ivory colored stationary, folded and held together by a fancy- schmancy wax seal. It was my eleventh birthday and I had just received a ruffled dress, which I found most unflattering. I was sitting in my dreary bedroom moping about in front of my vanity mirror, when a large tawny colored owl swooped through my open window and perched itself on top of the mirror. In it's beak was the letter. In my utter shock I just stared up at the owl, and it stared right back at me with it's sparkling orbs,"Well aren't you peculiar..." as soon as those four words slipped from my mouth the owl dropped the letter right onto my lap and left as quickly as it came.

I turned to look back and see if the owl was anywhere in the distance, but the only view I got was of my quiet neighborhood. When I turned to the piece of paper resting on my lap I lifted it with such caution that it might've looked like it would have burned me. As soon as I realized it was alright and no harm would come to me, I opened it with a vast eagerness. Careful not to ruin it's delicacy I opened it's folds and began to read the skilled calligraphy:

Dear Miss Hankshaw,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Terms begin September 1. We accept your owl no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva Mcgonagall

Minerva Mcgonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Yes, I was pretty sure that it was all just a dream, but little did I know that my one extraordinary problem was that I was magical. A witch to be exact. I wasn't Cinderella, and the three little pigs weren't going to be at this Hogwarts place (as ironic as that is) whatever I thought I was, is not who I am now. I'm Dani Hankshaw, and this is my story. My life. My enemies, my friends, and my loves. I guess my life was never meant to he normal anyway.

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