Preference #6 Playful Teasing

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From tumblr, by harrysexgodstyles

“Noooo, Harry please. Why do we have to do this? Can’t we just go get dinner or something… please.” His face screws up into a grin at your helpless pleading. Instead of responding, he just pulls you forward in line, closer to the entrance of the dreaded haunted house.

“Babe, don’t worry. I will keep tight hold of you the entire time. I will protect you.”

You saw right through his lies, knowing he would consistently be trying to scare you once you stepped into the black hallway.

“Next in line, please,” the man said, his back leaned against the wall, a bored look on his face.

A deep chuckle left Harry’s lips as you tried to escape from line only to be pulled back tightly to his side. Noticing the intensity of your fear, he placed his lips on your ear, trying to create a barrier between his words and everyone patiently waiting behind in line.

“(y/n), if you really don’t want to this we don’t have to.” You shook your head, a shiver running down your spine, his warm breath tickling your ear.

“No Harry, I’m fine… lets just get this over with.” A small smile grew on your lips as you saw his new found excitement from your words.

“I promise I will protect you.”

You silently agree, allowing him to drag you into the haunted maze.

“Oh my goodness Harry! That was awful!,” you say as you quickly drag him from the house of horrors, wanting to get away from there as soon as possible. While pulling him to the car, you can hear him chuckling profusely behind you.

You spin sharply, facing him, “Whats so funny?! I almost died!” Your comment only causes him to laugh harder, doubling over, face red, eyes crying. You quickly push your bottom lip out, pouting. He straightens back up, wiping his tears, laughing just as hard as before.

“You should have seen your face when that guy jumped out at you! Oh goodness… or when the clown started chasing you!”

You couldn’t help but join in the laughter, Harry had an undeniable charm about him, and his laughing was contagious.

Eventually, you were both leaning on each other, trying to support your bodies in your fit of giggles. As the laughter began to die off, he held onto you still, holding you up instead of supporting his own frame.

Gently nuzzling his face deep into your neck, he whispered, “You have no idea how much I love you (y/n)…”

Your laughter soon decreased and you closed your eyes shut, content with the moment. “I love you too Harry.”

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