My Heart Chapter 21

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My eyes widened as I seen the masked figure in front of me. My heart stopped and my breath hitched.

“Brenton!?!?!”   No…It wasn’t possible! He was….dead! I shook my head and the masked man turned around and pinned me to the ground heavily. I slight scream left my lips as he pinned my arms above my head. Images from what Brenton had done before came crashing through my mind, causing me to panic. I frantically began to twist and turn my body every which way trying to get free.

“Stop fighting!” The voice, unfamiliar to my ears, hissed.

“Get away from her!” A weak voice screeched. I glanced up while still madly thrashing to see Shay.  My chest constricted as my eyes met hers.  She was bloody and battered.  

“Shay.” My voice came out in a hoarse whisper.  I began thrashing even harder against the masked man and screaming.  Suddenly a hand clamped down on my face, crunching my nose. Blood gushed from my face and I struggled with chocking as it ran back down into my nose and down my throat. I coughed and blood spewed from my mouth. The masked man abruptly jumped off of me and stomped on my hand, before making his way back to Shay.

“NO!” I hollered. I stood hastily and ran towards the Masked Man. “Stay away from her! You’re here for me! You want ME! NOT HER!” My voice rang through the silent house. His figure turned, so he was facing me.

“Ella, no….” Shay’s voice trailed.

I took another hesitant step towards the man.  “You want me. Not her.”  His eyes lit up with an malicious gleam.

“Your right. I do want you, but why don’t I……..,” He turned suddenly and whipped a gun at Shay, firing it suddenly. “TORTURE YOU FIRST!” A piercing scream left my mouth as Shay’s body crumpled mad she quivered in agony.

“NO!” I ran over to her and pulled her into my arms protectively. The man had shot her in the stomach, and it was gushing blood. “No!” I was crying now, and panicking. I frantically searched my pockets for my phone. I patted over them swiftly, but couldn’t find it. My mind was racing and I glanced around the room agitatedly, trying to find it. I spotted it on the floor about 50 feet away, behind the evilly laughing man. My heart dropped against my ribs, and thudded with anger, fear, and pain. And then just like that my brain was working, a mechanical movement. I stood and raced to my phone, ducking and dodging around the man. I grasped it and flipped it open, dialing 911.


“Hello, 911 Emergency how may I be of assistance?”

“Hi. I need an ambulance and The police, or SOMETHING!”

“Ma’am please calm down may I ask what happened?”

“My Best friend, Shaylee, She was shot! By the crazy masked psycho who broke into my house!” I was still running and dodging the crazy Masked man, but he was gaining on me and I needed these dumb 911 people to cooperate.  

“Alright whats your address?”

“3491 Burlock Dr.”

“Thank yo-“

And crazy Masked Man grabbed my leg and yanked me back, causing my phone to fly into the air, and sprawl on the floor, a good 5 yards away. The man pinned me back on the ground, and I fought heavily, but it was no use. He held the gun firmly and pressed in against my upper thigh. I thrashed wildly, but stopped as soon as pure, white agony starting and my leg, filled my body.  My body shook and scream after scream left my mouth.  

“Do you feel like playing any more games little girl?” He hissed wildly in my ear. An agonizing shriek was my only response. I was getting dizzy and losing consciousness. Another loud bang sounded and my body was burning. I couldn’t tell what he had shot now, everything was burning, and my vision burned red and black spots swam in my eyes. I was so dizzy, my head was spinning and the room whirled around me. My ears felt clogged and everything was eerie sounding. Somewhere a door burst open and then there was more loud banging. Then several pairs of hands, and arms were on me. Then I was gone. Asleep, somewhere in a dark, far off place.

                Darkness. That was all that I could see. All that I could feel. It was consuming me. Darkness and pain. Red hot agonizing pain. Everywhere. And I couldn’t stop it.

 The darkness was eating at me.

And winning the battle.

My Life was ending.


I’m sooooo sorrrryyyy


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2011 ⏰

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