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The slow rain,

That came from above,

slowly fell,

People share umbrellas with true love.

I sat on the street,

With no umbrella near,

My phone is dead.

The rain made nothing clear.

My heart ached at the sight of love,

in front of me I saw it.

The kisses that were shared,

Just that little bit.

My body soaked,

Covered from head to toe,

my body frigid,

Rain is my foe.

The rain had stopped falling on me,

yet it still came down,

I looked up to see,

My prince, with a crown.

Even though that's a metaphor,

I stood up, and smiled,

he gave me one back,

We walked the streets that filed.

He grabbed my hand,

Leading the way,

I went along,

and that was my rainy day.

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