Chapter 4

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I flipped the pancakes and hummed wrecking ball, while Faith, sang amazingly.

"Oooooh! Pancakes my favourite!" I heard Ian cheer followed by Jeremy, Jamie, Chris and Jacob happily high fiving each other.

Sophie was quiet.

I placed the last of the 20 pancakes on the large plate and Ian swooped in and stole one.

He shoved it in his big gob and ran to the table. Mrs Marin has gone shopping this morning but Mr.Morris was here somewhere.

I set down the big plate in the center of the table and took two pancakes and smothered them in suger.

I caught Ian give me a disgusted look.

"Its not that bad. Right?" I asked Faith, she eyed it and scrunched up her face in disgust.

"Well, I like it like this." And I took a bite out of it. I noticed Ian was smiling mischievously.

I scrunched my nose up when I realised what this is.

Salt! Blaaaaagghhhh!

"I think I'm gonna be sick." I managed to get out before I had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

The sour taste that it left in my mouth was... unpleasant.

Ian held back my hair though. Thank god.

I brushed my teeth after that and joined Sophie in the sitting room.

She was asleep so I put GTA5 into my ps3 and played the game.

God, Tracey is annoying. I like Jimmy though, Amanda is a pain in the hole.

I heard the door open and Ian sat beside me.

"Gimme a go." He whined holding out his hand for the controller.

"Nope." I popped the 'p'.

"Gggrr." He growled and grabbed the controller.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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