Chapter Three

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 I don't think all the readers know that Elia is pronounced as E-Lie-a

 - So this chapter is unedited due to some incidences. Please forgive me and read on. I will edit tomorrow & have the other future chapters proof read.

Thank you!

Chapter Three

The brush tangled in my brown curls, making it really frustrating and hard to get out, plus the bubbles from the bath. Ugh, that was the only problem with them, too messy with the clean up. I wrapped half my towel around my hair, after I had a new change of clothes, and stepped out of the bathroom. So quiet around here. Luckily there was a radio. I turned the song up, singing along with the lyrics as much as I could like a true professional.

All my life I've been good, but now ..

I'm thinking, "What the hell?"

All I want is to mess around

And I don't really care about ..

If you love me, if you hate me

You can't save me

Baby, baby

All my life I've been good, but now...

What the hell?




What the hell?

It was fun to have one chance in acting like my usual self again. The crazy, out-of-control, mental singer self. The next tune I had no idea of, but I just let it play on while I looked around the room, and by room I mean the bookshelf.

They were all old, ancient is what should be really used to describe them. A musty, brown colour with 3D like designs. I ran my hand over one of the books; Bellum Omnium in Omnes. I knew enough latin to understand the phrase. A war of all against all. I walked over to my bed and slid half my body sitting while flipping to the first page.

The pericula bella magis quam prospicere. (The danger of the wars are more than anyone can foresee.)

For a few minutes, I read at least five pages all telling the same 4 things. The differences between Septers and Sixers, how they lived a completely different life, how we are all in danger of the Falconers, and how to destroy each other. It all seemed so wrong, but if you read any of it, you wouldn't even bother feeling guilty.

I set the book down on the night stand gently before finally noticed the picture framed with glass. There were dust around the object as I lifted it up into my lap. The family seemed so happy, especially the little baby girl. She eyes glimpsed brightly in amusement of her father, carrying her in his arms. The mother stood there with a wide smile at the two, admiring the love they had. It wasn't till that moment then that I had realized who the family was. It was me as a child; happy. The thing I did not get was how my mother was there. She died after giving birth. I had proof when I snuck into the hospital and accessed the private records the night of my 15th birthday. It was just irrelevant that my dad's death had no natural cause, and that both my parents' died 5 years difference, same day too.

I heard a soft knock on the door. Maybe it was only soft to me over the loud music that was blasting in my room. I replaced the picture back where it belonged and hopped off the bed, opening the left door slightly.

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