XXVI: Little White Fang

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You know she's a lot like you, Kakashi. Back when you were little.

- Tsunade to Kakashi


Chapter 26: Little White Fang

"An outsider?!'"

Tsunade slammed her fist obdurately at the table, causing every papers and documents to fly around the corner of her desk. Shizune just gulped at her side.

"You could have asked me first!" Not with all the festivals and events that are being held in Konoha, so far there hasn't been a suitable place for lost children.

Busted, she scratched the back of her pink strands. "S-she's actually a second cousin of mine and—well, er," she stammered, "her parents were sent out on a mission and there was no one else she could go to..."

The Elderly Blonde slumped back at her sliding chair and studied her curiously. "No one? Not even a single member of the Haruno family?" She didn't know there were other pinkettes living at the Land of Rice Fields.

"She's kind of special and her mother—my aunt asked me to take care of her for a while," she was too damn nervous she's about to choke! "But it won't be long, I promise."

Tsunade didn't see any veracity at her student. She didn't know how their relationship turned out so tensed and edgy, but she found little of that trust slowly dying out to her apprentice like a candle. "Let her in."

Sakura was sweating that time, her skin soaked with all that nervousness and butterflies. She do hoped she didn't underestimate her master's golden age of reading through lines.

Shizune took the pledge of opening the door. At first Tsunade didn't see anyone behind that door, not until an adorable white-headed child came plodding in, shy and timid as a cucumber.

"Oh my, what a cute little girl!" Shizune said. TonTon agreed with a little pui.

Tsunade's brows knitted and it took a while for her to swallow all the words she spat and let out a boisterous laughter. She was howling like a banshee and Shizune put a hand into her mouth to prevent her from laughing so much. The girl was indeed, adorable and endearing. "Well why didn't you say so Sakura??" That moment Sakura sighed inwardly in relief, and she thought she could already die. "And what is this little kiddo's name?'

Sakura beamed with pride as the little girl hid behind her back. "Her name is Wakana, my lady."

"Of the harmony? She must be very fund of music." Said Tsunade.

Sakura frowned, shifting her eyes side to side. Wakana felt a bit of discomfort. "Um, you see—"

So sa Kanashimi wo yasashi sani,

"Where's that music coming from?" Shizune asked, squeezing TonTon into her chest.

All eyes glowered to the silver-headed girl who slowly hid behind Sakura, cheeks running tomatoes. "I see," Tsunade grinned, bewildered. "What an extraordinary child."

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