Chapter 7: An Unexpected Gift

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 This chapter is dedicated to pink_giraffe; i would not have had the motivation to finish this before Christmas if it wasn't for your constant nagging... hahah just kidding, i love you!

(Author's Note)

 A: i think i speak for both of us when I say this: Happy holidays :)

Chapter 7


I heard a light knock on the door; wiping my tears away, I looked over at the doctor in the doorway. “Visiting hours are almost over.” He said, his face reflecting pity back at me. I nodded and the doctor left me alone again, well almost alone.

I looked at the bed in the center of the small room adorned with bouquets of flowers. Cullen lay there, looking peaceful as ever. I sighed, kissed him on the forehead and walked out the door.

It had been nearly two weeks since the accident. Cullen has now slipped into a coma. I could hardly believe that the only thing keeping my best friend was barely being kept alive by a machine. I missed him so much. I walked through the dull hallways; I’ve been here, visiting Cullen, so often that I could walk through the hospital blindfolded.

“Have a nice evening, Lacey!” Lucille, one of the nurses said, chirpily, as I made my way towards the exit. Did I mention most of the staff knew my name as well?

I made my way to my car, checking my phone along the way. No messages, as usual. To be honest I was disappointed. After that day in the hospital, not once had I heard from Adam. I thought maybe we shared something special. I guess not.

I sighed and started the engine. I looked in the side mirror. I was a wreck. The bags under my eyes portrayed all of the sleep I have missed these past weeks. My make-up was smudged, my hair a rat’s nest on the top of my head, my clothes wrinkled and crinkled. No wonder no one approached me during school! Not even the teachers approached me; which was to my benefit I guess, considering the fact my grades have sunk significantly recently.

I drove into the driveway, parked and made my way into the house, only to find a note on the table from Julie.


I’ll be out for a few days. I need a vacation!


Aunt Julie

I crumpled it up and threw it away. Either work was really stressing Julie out, or my bad mood was affecting her too.

I trudged up the stairs and plopped down in bed, not even bothering to change into pajamas. Then, and only then, did I allow the tears stream down my face. Cullen, please wake up soon, I silently begged, I miss you.

Soon, my eyes ran out of tears and my eyelids became heavier and heavier, until they finally closed, leading me into a world full of bliss.


The next morning, as I was walking to my locker I saw Adam. Looking perfect as ever, he walked down the hallway as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Anger flared up inside me, and I marched over to him, grabbed his arm and dragged him into an empty classroom.

“Ouch, What the hell?” he said angrily, rubbing his arm after I had let go. “We need to talk,” I told him. The desk groaned as I sat on it.

He looked over at me, leaned against the doorframe and gave me a pointed look that seemed to say ‘go on’

I took a gulp of air and all of the frustrations and emotions from the past weeks came flooding out in one breath, “After that day in the hospital when you held and comforted me I thought we might have something but I guess not because you haven’t talked to me since and I miss you and I thought maybe I liked you but if you didn’t feel the same way why didn’t you just tell me but no instead you just led me on and let me worry over something that is probably nothing and….” Adam’s strong arms cut me off, enveloping me in a hug.

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