Chapter One

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"And so, citizens of Memphis, I present to you, the graduating class of 2011!!!!"

Our principal exclaimed these words with the greatest joy have ever heard from him. And an even greater joy followed as my classmates as they threw their caps up into the air. When I threw my cap up, I saw a mixture of school colors and the dark blues of the evening sky. From here on out, whenever I'd think of joy, I would think of this. My graduation.

The caps floated back down like feathers in the wind, and everyone rushed to pick them back up so they could be congratulated by their families. But I didn't, because I didn't have any.

Instead, I looked for my best friend, Jezebell. She is the closest thing I have to a sister. I found her speaking to her stuttering mom. Mrs. Martinez never liked coming to public human events. They made her too hungry, too quickly.

I walked over to her to see if she was ok, but she regained her composure just before I came. I looked at Jezzie(short for Jezebell)and she had a huge smile on her face.

"We did it! We graduated! I can't believe it, we're actually going to M.U. tomorrow!!!" She was so happy, her teeth grew, like they always did when she was over excited.

I went I little serious. "I know, I'm happy too. But maybe you keep your teeth in check."

She put her hand over her mouth and swore, very loudly, "Shit!!"

Jezzie calmed down by using the yoga techniques I taught her. They came in handy for times like this. Then she spoke with poise.

"Let's go home, so I can celebrate without needing to hide."

"I couldn't agree more." Mrs. Martinez and I said at the same time.

The three of us walked slowly to the parking lot. When we got there, Mrs. Martinez asked, "I'm going home the usual way. Jezebell, are you coming?"

"No mom, I thought I could go to Maddie's tree house in her truck."

"Suit yourself.", were her last words before she entered the woods. As soon as she left, I faced Jezzie, we screamed in laughter, and squeezed each other in a hug. Then we began to spin, but then Jezzie's speed took over, and we began to move faster than the speed of sound.

"Jeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzziiiiiiiieeee, pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaase stop!"

But when she stopped, she let go of me and I went flying through the air. I screamed for a second, but then stopped because I knew Jezzie would catch me.

And she did, but her strength hasn't matured yet, so we both fell to the floor. We weren't hurt, so we just laughed out loud.

"Well, at least we don't have to walk very far." I said as I found my silver Chevy Silverado right in front of me. We got in, drove to my tree house.

*                                           *                                      *

 As Kesha's "Tic Tok" ended, I put the truck in park and stepped on to the uneven elevation of the land I call home. I took in a deep breath of the oak, mesquite, and evergreen trees that I have been around since as long as I could remember. Tonight could be the last time I'll sleep here.

I felt a tear run down my cheek at the thought of never seeing this place again. Then I hand came down on my shoulder. I turn to face Jezzie. No tears, but there was sympathy in her eyes. She knew how much this place meant to me, and the memories behind it.

I showed a meek smile to let her know I was alright. She pulled me in for the second hug that night. No words were needed to express how I felt. That hug was all that was needed. I pulled away and took a deep breath. "I will miss this place."

Jezzie nodded, "I know. I'll miss it too. But we have a better future ahead of us. It will be great. I promise."

I knew she was right, but it was a big promise to keep, even for Jezzie. We linked hands, and we walked to my tree house.

Once we reached my tree, I positioned myself for the trip up.

                                                 Home unknown to mortal light,

                                                     Take us in away from sight.

After I spoke the enchanted words, and I opened my eyes, Jezzie and I were now inside my tree, house. It wasn't very big, but to me it was big enough. I could see the forest floor from my windows, but nothing from the forest floor could see me. That's the beauty of the invisibility spell. I love that spell.

I went over to my bed, hiding in the corner, to get out from underneath it Jezzie's spare protected coffin. She can't sleep without it.

"Here you go, your spare moon stone is in the little pouch."

She opened up the lid and got in. Before she laid down, Jezzie checked the zipper tight pocket. She pulled out her sphere-cut moon stone on black leather string. The stone glistened in the candle light beautifully. Jezzie tied the string around her neck, and then lied down.

Before she closed the lid on the coffin, she said, "Get some sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow." Then she shut the lid.

Now for my nightly game. I flicked my finger and reopened the lid. She sat up, knowing I was now playing my favorite game.

"Ok. I'll get up really early, so I can pack up our stuff." then she closed.

Again, I reopened the lid, and she sat up again. I love this game!

"And, I find us breakfast. AND, I'll cook it. Your favorite, fried eggs." and closed the lid.

One last time, I opened the lid. Jezzie sat up quickly. "What?!?!?!"

I giggled, "Good night."

She sighed with defeat. "Good. Night," Before she closed the lid, she gave me a "don't you dare" stare. And I smiled brightly to let her know I was finished for the night. And she closed the lid, and this time it would stay closed.

I turned onto my side and closed my eyes, allowing my self to drift into a deep sleep.

(Wait a minute, you have no idea what's going on, do you? Well I should probably tell you before I pass out.)

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