Chapter 1 - Uh Oh

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I'm Going to Be A Mom ... At 17?! (A Teen Pregnancy Story)

Chapter 1 - Uh Oh


I knew I shouldn't have followed Mason into that bedroom. I knew, in my gut, that it was a bad idea from the start. Did I ignore it? Yes. I ignored my common sense as I stripped off my clothes, excited to see what it would be like - experiencing sex for the first time ever.

So, the outcome? Me. Pregnant. At 17. Jenna Holmes had gotten herself pregnant as a teen. Jenna, the goody two-shoes who never had a grade below an A and was applying for Brown University this year.

I heard about teen pregnancies all the freaking time, and at 13 years old, had promised myself to never - EVER - get knocked up as a teen. Because I knew that would majorly screw up my life.

So, of course, I got myself knocked up. Of course, it was the best experience of my life, but was it really worth it? I certainly didn't think so.

So who to tell first? Dad or Mason? Either seemed a bad idea. Mason was in a fight with his parents, so he wasn't feeling too supercalafragilisticexpialodocious right now. And Dad? It wouldn't go down well. He'd think he'd failed as a parent. Oh and also most likely kill Mason if he found out it was him who had gotten me pregnant.

Ever since I found out, 3 days ago, I'd been bawling my eyes out every night. I'd told Dad it was from the stress from school, and thank god, he believed me. I guess it was hormones that made me this crazy... but was it possible? I was only, like, a couple of days pregnant. I had to do something, soon - before I started showing.

So who to tell first? I eliminated both Dad and Mason, and thought about my best friend, Emily. She was the most trustworthy person on the planet, and she had never told any of my secrets. Somehow, in my gut, I knew she would understand. But the guilt I felt held me back from telling anyone. I was afraid that, any moment now, someone's eyes would flicker to my stomach and rumours would be spread. That would be awful. And you know what the worst part is? I go to a private school. Percentage of teen pregnancies? 0. I would be labeled as a "slut and whore" by students and the teachers would just frown at me and think, "Teen pregnancy. Tsk tsk tsk."

I just couldn't afford to live with that.

So really, the only person I could tell was my teddy bear, Ted. Yes I know, very creative name, but I mean, I got him when I was five. He meant a lot to me. But even Ted seemed like he was going to tell someone. I was that scared.

I decided I'd tell Emily. Ohhhh boy, I was going to regret this...

- Next day, at school -

I slammed my locker shut, clicking the lock. I picked my knapsack up off of the floor and swung it over my shoulder, turning to my right. I jumped a little. Emily was standing there, arms folded, with a frown on her face. She shook her head.

"What's with you? You've been acting so strange lately, with these constant mood swings... Is it your period?" She adjusted her knapsack. "'Cause I'm a little confused here: you're never this moody. What's going on?" she said.

I had been trying hard to keep my expression calm, but all of a sudden, I burst into tears. Wow, Jenna. Emily grabbed my arm and led me to the downstairs bathroom.

"B-hut- we- we're- gonna be late f-f-for class..." I said between sobs. Emily ignored me. We went in and gladly, the washroom was empty. She made me take off my knapsack, and twirled me around so I was facing her. "Okay. Calm down a little. Shhh-hh," she soothed, giving me a hug. "Now tell me what's wrong. Tell me everything. I'm here babe."

Guilt and embarrassment washed over me. I couldn't look her in the eye - I was too ashamed. But she brought up my chin so I had to look at her. She gave me a look: go on??

"Emily, you promise not to tell anyone?" I asked, although it was a stupid question.

"Obviously." She rolled her eyes but smiled.

"It's a huge secret." I wiped my cheek.

"I'm listening."

"Emily... I'm pregnant with Mason's baby."

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