First Class

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Chapter Nine

"Good morning class! As you know, I am your new potion's teacher." I said excitedly.

I looked around at all the first years... A nice way to start a new job, I think...

Anyway... It's a Wednesday... September 2, 1998... The first day of actual school.

"Today, we'll go easy... I'll tell you about me, then for homework you'll give me five inches of parchment about yourselves.." I carried on...

"Any questions?" I asked and took a look around the classroom, finding multiple students raising there hands.

"Yes, you -"

"Angelina, Angelina Zaria." the girl grinned widely.

Slytherin, I noted.

"Well Angelina, what's your question?" I questioned.

"What happened to the old potion's teacher?" she asked.

"Nothing; he retired." I answered.

There was a small wave of murmurs that gradually louder.

"Okay.. Okay... QUIET!" I yelled.

The whole room went silent.

"Thank you... Anymore questions?" I asked.

All the students that raised there hand earlier and dropped there hands.

"Alright then... A little about me." I smiled.

"My name was Alison Lily Potter, now it's Alison Lily Malfoy."

"I with my parents, Lily and James Potter, and before they were killed they sent me off to an orphanage... Where I was soon adopted by Severus Snape... The old Defense teacher."

"You're Harry Potter's sister?" multiples yelled out.

"Yeah... I kinda am." I replied.

A boy with dark hair and semi-chubby face that looked frighteningly like a younger Seamus raised his hand.

"Yes Mr.-"

"Damian Finnagan, Ma'am." the boy smiled.

"Merlin's beard... I hope you're better than your brother in potions." I grinned.

"Bubby's not good in this class?" Damian asked in a sweet innocent voice.

"Well, he does okay... Except when he blows up his potion." I laughed.

"Oh, that's usual for Bubby." Damian smiled.

I laughed then said, "Should I continue on with my life story?" I asked the class.

The class stayed silent.

"Alright then, anyways... So in the orphanage I met a friend... Her name was Remember Morgan, and she still goes to this school as a seventh year Slytherin."

"I started here at Hogwarts when I was 11, just like you guys, but I dropped out for... Reasons I rather not discuss now..."

"And I came back for my fifth year.. I fell in love-"

"Ewwwww!" they chorused.

"Oh gosh, it'll happen to you too.. Just you wait." I laughed.

"Carrying on, I fell in love with Draco Malfoy, your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and we got married." I smiled.

"That's a really nice story, Professor Malfoy." one of the girls grinned.

"Thank you Miss-"

"Armstrong, Natalie Armstrong." the girl said excitedly.

"By the way, I'm sorry for not knowing all your names... I'm new to this professor stuff." I chuckled quietly.

"What houses are you guys in?" I asked the population of the class.

"Slytherin!" about six yelled.

"Ravenclaw!" around seven said.

"Gryffindor!" About ten shouted out.

"Hufflepuff.." Three students said quietly.

"Professor, what house were you in?" A tall boy asked.

"Well, Mr.-"

"I'm Oliver! Oliver Lovegood!" the boy said excitedly.

"Is Luna your sister?" I asked.

"Wait! Answer my question first!" he answered, flailing his arms around.

"Fine, I was placed in Slytherin." I replied.

"Yeah, Luna's my big sister." Oliver smiled and answered the question I had asked earlier.

"What house are you in?" I asked the younger, more awkward Lovegood.

"I'm a Gryffindor... Luna thought I would be a Hufflepuff though.." he responded, happily, nonetheless.

"Well, the bell's going to ring soon, and when it does I want you to get up quietly and leave in an orderly fashion." I said slowly.

"Do you understand?" I asked.

The 11 year olds nodded there heads.

"Don't forget your homework either.. Or I'll give you detention." I said firmly.

Then the bell rang and the student got up, chatted quietly, and walked out of the room quietly, much to my shock.

I looked back and saw that Oliver was still sitting in his desk....

Watching me...

"Oliver, you can go now." I said, shooing the boy off.

"Okay." he grinned and walked out the door.

A/N: you're probably thinking "Alice, you just named Remmeber's deceased kid, Oliver, why did you name Luna's little brother Oliver?"

Well the answer to that thought is, "Well, random person, I'm going to change Remember's deceased kid's name... To ... Idk..."

Anyway... You know Luna doesn't actually have a little brother... Even though it is possible... And that Seamus didn't have a little brother either... I need cute, innocent characters:)

Oh yeah... MorgicatXD's [the winner of the contest] character will be coming in soonish..:)

Bye!! Thabks for reading:))

BTW.. Check out the vid on the side.. I finally got the song i promised!!!:)) 


Alison Lily Malfoy: I Married my Brother's (Old) ArchenemyWhere stories live. Discover now