Chapter 2- A Plan in Action

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The Rogue and The Prince

Chapter 2- A Plan in Action

Dear readers,

Sorry for the late upload but I had a little writers block and I had a couple busy weeks, but hey, what are you gonna do? So anyway, here is the finished product… I hope you like it!!


MAY, 1576

The plan was in action. After talking it over with T.T., Zip-line, and Snake, it was unanimous in the decision on who would get us all out of here.

That person was of course, me.

We knew for a fact that, the captain always interviewed the new prisoners, to see if they could muster any information on other rogues.  That is why I was the obvious choice in who would go, considering mine would be the next coming up.

The plan was get in, grab the keys, get them back to the cell and escape by using them the next night. The plan was the easy part; the hard part was actually getting the keys and getting out of there without getting caught.

I was silently reviewing the plan in my head, when Zip-line came up and sat next to me.

“Are you sure you can do this?” he asked me after a minute of silence.

“Are you losing faith in me? Of course I can get this done, ” I turned my gaze to look into his. His only response to that was a small chuckle and a pat on the back. What does that mean?  I thought.

While I was pondering that a small thumping noise came from the wall, letting us all know that Snake wanted to talk. It had been our code ever since I got here and came up with it.

T.T. got up and moved the block away for me. After a small nod in his direction, signaling my thanks, I turned to Snakes head in the tiny window.

We must have stared at each other for a while before he said, “Are you ready for this?”

I sighed, “Yes, I’m ready.”

“Good because they are coming to get you now.”

I gave a small smile and watched Snakes head disappear as T.T. put the stone back into place. And sure enough, about a second later, a guard came up and unlocked the cell door.

I walked out of the cell and followed the guards to a door at the end of the hall. The guard gestured me to let myself inside of the captain’s room.

I took a deep breath while I cleared my mind.  Now was the time to become the tactical Archer, the one who cannot be fazed, no matter what.

The door made a high squeaking noise as I pushed it open. Inside sat, maybe one of my top enemies. Prince Ian (also the Captain of the Retrievers or as they are more commonly known as ‘rogue catchers’) sat in a plush chair with his feet perched on top of his large oak table, in a very relaxed manner.

I then took in the appearance of the man before me. To say he was good looking would be an understatement; he was extraordinarily handsome. His hair was as black as the nighttime sky; eyes as green as the emeralds in duchesses jewelry. His face was rugged and rough, and he gave off this manly and ‘in charge’ persona. Although I kept my face in its normal expressionless mask, I was in complete awe.

I took all of that in, in a couple of seconds.

You see, I am an expert in analyzing; I can figure out almost everything about a person by just looking at them for 10 minutes. Figuring out the prince was way simpler though.

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