Chapter Four

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**The next morning**

I woke to the sound of someone speaking and a door closing. I opened my eyes just as Justin walked in with a tray of food. He glanced at me and saw I was awoke so he wheeled the desk tray thing over to me and lay my breakfast on it.

"It's a hot breakfast. I asked them to make it especially for you. I rang your aunt in New Zealand and she said that baked beans on toast is your favourite so that's what I got you,"

"Aww, well that's sweet, but you didn't need to go to all that trouble for me,"

"But that's what boyfriends are supposed to do,"

"Who said you were my boyfriend? I sure didn't,"

"Yes you did, yesterday," He sounded as if he was beginning to panic.

"No I didn't, why would I say that?"

"Because its true!"

"Ha ha, I know,"

"Yes it - wait, what?"

"I was just pulling your leg, you know, kidding,"

"Oh right, well I was just playing along with your sick, sick little joke,"

"Ok, now come sit down and eat with me,"

"Can't sorry, I have to go see Mitch and Nolan, I promised them ages ago that the next time that I came to Canada I would come see them since they aren't allowed to come on your with me very often like Chaz and Ryan. I was going to wait till Caitlin was better and since she's better now I'm gonna to surprise them,"

"Oh, alright, well I'll see you later then," I frowned, hoping he'd catch on that I wanted to meet his friends.

"Ok, bye," He rushed as he sped out the door. I double-frowned. 'I'm going to be sooo bored today' I thought, 'No Justin to entertain me'.

Just as I finished my breakfast my new doctor came in.

"Hi Bridget,"

"Hey Doc," I smiled at her.

"So we have been sent the appropriate medicine from England, so would you like to start it now?"

"Yeah, sure,"

"Ok, and I must warn you, it does make you feel quesy so you may need someone here to help you through today, it shouldn't be too bad seeing as its your first dosage but we aren't sure,"

"I'll be fine, I've been through all of this sorta stuff before,"

"Are you sure?"

"Very," The doctor walked out after telling me all about this drug, most of which I zoned out, wondering what Justin was doing.

The whole day was full of watching tv, puking, calling the nurse to get me a new sick bowl, then it all repeating until Justin called in the afternoon.

"Hey Bridg," He said chirpily, I almost cringed at how happy he sounded compared to how crappy I felt.


"Woah, you sound like crap,"

"Thanks, I feel like it too,"


"Uh, I'm sick?"

"But why?"

"Coz I started the new medicine that makes me really sick,"

"Oh crap, I didn't know it started today,"


"Do you want me to come back?" He sounded as if he wanted me to say no so I gave him what he wanted,

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