Somebody Un-bore Me!

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Introducing the latest internet acronym:  S.U.M. You might want to ask anybody who's out there to SUM you UP!

Speaking  for myself, I'm ready to believe ANYTHING, except for the obvious, of course.

Once in a great while, I drag myself away from the internet, to get some fresh air, though not for more than half an hour, mind you! One would not want to overdo this fresh air-business, because one's readers await one, with their voracious appetites. It's only when my brain is half-starved for oxygen that I get these lucid moments in this world gone stark bollocks mad.

So, I ask you: Somebody SUM me UP, please!

Because I'm tired of rehashing the bleedin' obvious...

Could someone open up the portal to the Fun Galaxy, where conforming is frowned upon with both eyebrows raised, which is rather difficult to do, come to think of it.

That Groovy Universe, where unoriginal comments can only be posted on pain of castration and for the ladies: a terminal case of lock-jaw!

, where subliminal messages are sublime!

, where poetry does not have to rhyme!

, where loose change runs amok, till you put it back in your sock!

, where paradox is commonplace for the whole human race!

, where titillating people wear no bras!

, where common nonsense rules!

, in  other words HOME!

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