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Deuce's P.O.V. ******

I ran down stairs as fast as I could.

"Dad! Dad!" I screamed. He rushed into the living room, even though it was only six o'clock he was wide awake.

"What?" he questioned.

"Something is wrong with Riot!" I rushed back up the stairs expecting him to follow. He did. I ran into my room.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked seeing nothing visibly wrong with her. I put my hand over her mouth to feel nothing, as the expectancy of the warm air passed I only freaked out more.

"She isn't breathing. I woke up because she was thrashing around and I thought something was wrong, she was having a seizure."

"Well what are you waiting for, you know how to do CPR." My dad directed somewhat. I started to do chest compressions and breaths as he called for an ambulance, and some pizza. The pizza got here in five minutes. The ambulance got here in seven minutes, which was close to forever.

"How long have you been doing chest compressions?" the ambulance technician asked me.

"About the time my father called."I said and he nodded. He placed the manual breathing bag over her mouth and began to pump in breaths every two seconds. The other guy lifted her onto a bed thingy and rolled her out into the truck. I was allowed in the ambulance with her. After I expllained what had happened I really didn't know what else to say so I stayed silent. My father and I had to wait in the waiting room until they had moved her into the intensive care unit.

The doctor came out of a room.

"Deuce?" My father nudged me and pointed to her doctor.

"Hello are y9ou the family?" He asked, my dad nodded.

"Come with me into my office." We followed him into his office and sat behind his desk as he sat in front of it.

"I'm Riot's doctor, Dr. Landon." We nodded.

"Is she OK?" I asked.

"Well currently she is on a Respirator meaning that she is breathing with a machine and she can't do it by herself. Her state of mind and brain waves indicate a coma. Although not a deep one. She has a heart murmur. And a large blood clot located on the right side of her brain next to the adrenal glands. She is going to have to stay here for at least two weeks after she wakes up." He said in a rush.

"Well can you fix her?" I asked simply. Theft started to bang his pacifier on the desk.

"We can try to take the Blood clot out of her head but as for the Heart murmur there is nothing we can do." I sighed and nodded. There really was nothing I could do about it if the doctor couldn't do anything about it. Now all we can do is sit and wait. The nurse escorted us to the waiting room for the intensive care patients, we were welcome to stay the night if we wanted. A couple minutes later Dr. Landon came out and motioned towards me.

"You can see your sister if you want." He said. I looked at him and nodded afraid to correct him. I followed him into the hall and down a long corridor of rooms with clear glass for walls. All the patients in there bed peacefully sleeping and the family and loved ones crying around them saddened, especially seeing the seen over and over again. When we got to her room The doctor left. I walked to her bed and touched her face.

"Don't you ever do that to me again Riot. Don't you ever do it, love." I leaned down and kissed her cheek, tears started to fall on her pale cheeks, I soon realized they were mine.

***Riot's P.O.V.***

My eyes were too heavy to open, even though I was dying to see Deuce. He was crying. But why? I'm just asleep. And what shouldn't I do. Wait! I need to stop talking to myself, He's talking.

"-Love you. I know I didn't mean to, but I do. I know it now. I thought you said you wouldn't leave me. Love, please don't go off and die and leave me to fend for my self with Theft again." He leaned down and kissed me. I really really wanted to kiss him back but it just felt like I was paralyzed.

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