Saying Goodbye

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I guess you could have called me Miss goody-two shoes,

or try hard in everything,

Maybe even a nerd at some times during the course of the year.

But then I met it.

My new, profound love. 

My prophecy,

My destiny,

My over-indulged piece of art.

It was when I went to see him,

that night I thought it would be innocent,

it was anything but.

I told him to talk to me,

but I just wanted him to say what I wanted to hear.

My father was known to stay strong, 

but when I walked into the room,

he was already gone.

I called his name, "Daddy?" 

His eyes struggled to open,

he saw my face and gave a half smile,

"Skylar." He whispered out.

I started to cry,

tears that would last 

As they stayed in my mind until the day I die.

But that one, quiet night 

As the rain came down elegantly, 

I starred into space

As his life flashed right before his eyes,

and there he lay,

in such a white room,

as I begged him to wake

But he refused to see,

to open his eyes.

But that's when it all turned,

when it all went downhill.

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