Freaks of Greenfield High (Chapter 16)

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Freaks of Greenfield High

By Maree Anderson

Chapter Sixteen

For the umpteenth time, Tyler wondered what had possessed him to agree to be Jay's "date" for her farewell party. If he hadn't known the truth about what she was, it would've been dream come true material. He'd have been blissed out to the max. Over the freaking moon. Period.

But knowing what he knew, knowing what she was....

What made the whole situation miles worse was having Caro, his normally über-cool sister, swan around the house with such a dopey grin plastered over her face that anyone would think she was the one going on this date.

Even his mom sported a dewy-eyed, proud-parent-type smile.

Tyler eyed his reflection in the mirror and scowled. It was a killer scowl, absolutely perfect in every way. And if he'd been able to produce it for his mom or his sister, it would've wiped the dumb expressions from their faces for sure. No doubt about it. Pity he couldn't seem to summon anything other than a goofy grin whenever they brought up the "date" subject.

He couldn't figure out Caro's deal. What was her stake in having her brother date a cyborg? She was his sister and although he loved her to death, the inner workings of her mind were a constant mystery. And his mom? She was a whole 'nother scary-ass story. What the hell was she imagining? The whole hearts and flowers thing? Her son finally dating a "nice" girl?

He snorted. No such freaking thing. Girls weren't nice. They messed with your head and screwed with your heart.

Vanessa had seemed nice at first. Sweet. And totally hot, which of course had been a definite plus. But it'd all been a lie. She'd dumped him the minute Matt looked at her sideways, because Matt had his own car. And then, at the first opportunity, she'd dumped Matt for Shawn, moving on up the food chain without a backward glance.

If Caro ever found out what Vanessa had done that night, his sister would pitch a fit of monumental proportions. A drug-dealer for a BFF and an ex-boyfriend who was popping steroids like candy? She'd wig out. She'd never forgive Vanessa and Shawn. Or Tyler, for not telling her the truth.

And Jay.... God, Jay might do more than dump Vanessa on her ass this time. And, if he asked her, she'd treat Shawn to more than just a dumpster-diving session.

He indulged in a daydream where Shawn got his face rearranged. A couple of black eyes and a swollen, bloody nose. And if not losing a couple of teeth, then maybe enough damage that he'd need a retainer for the next year. Oh yeah. Niiice! Vanessa wouldn't be too keen on flaunting her Boy Wonder if that happened.

Secrets. Gah. Tyler was plain fed up with them and all they stood for. Maybe he should 'fess up and tell Caro what'd really happened. She was strong enough to deal. Hey, maybe he should just start a tell-all blog and have done with it.

As appealing as it was to fantasize about airing his dirty laundry, Tyler had one secret he could barely admit to himself. It was a big-ass scary secret. And one he prayed would never, ever, be discovered by anyone: If Jay were human, she'd be The One.

He scooped up his new cell phone and shoved it in his jeans pocket. He was halfway out of his room before he decided to grab one more thing—a thumb drive for Jay. He didn't know whether or not he'd give it to her. He'd play it cool and see what happened.

Tyler's mom was oohing and aahing over Caro's cell phone when Tyler clomped downstairs. "Are you sure Jay's uncle is okay with this?" she asked for the umpteenth time.

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