FVE- Chapter 1

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Chapter One

    I sighed looking over the whole cafeteria. The moment I heard there was a new family in town and that their children were coming to my school, I knew I was going to be without a place to sit during lunch. Before, there was just one table left in all the cafeteria that no one sat at. That was my table.

    Not now.

    Now the three new kids were sitting there. Sure there were three other seats available, but they'll just be like the rest of the town before long. People will poison them against me as they always were. Why make friends when a second later, they hate me.

    I turn to find a quiet corner on the floor, but that's never as simple as it sounds when it's me in this town. My tray of food was slapped out of my hands so all my food spilled everywhere. Then I was pushed onto my food so it coated my front.

    The whole cafeteria laughed as I struggled to just prop myself up. A foot came down and pressed in my back. "Ah, is the little town freak getting all messy?" I closed my eyes and gave up struggling. Jessie was the worst culprit of them all. He loved doing anything to hurt me. Physically was his favorite.

    He dug his cleats into my spine. He was a pitcher for our school's baseball teams. These cleats were for when he was walking around. He had a second pair in his gym locker for when he was actually playing. He was captain too which meant he ruled the school.

    We were a small town. A very small town. Here, baseball was everything. Not football.

    "How's it feel not being wanted, ever?"

    I stiffened when he grunted and I turned my head when someone touched my hand. My eyes saw only a set of dark forest green eyes. Eyes that were dark green with slivers of dark brown that streaked through them. They belong to one of the new family in town. Only they would be foolish enough to defend me.

    The eyes pulled back revealing a very gorgeous looking guy my age. He must be a junior too. "Are you alright?"

    I looked down and shrugged. "I'm used to this." Moving slightly away, I rose up looking to the other side of me to see an older boy glaring at Jessie with his back to me.

    "What's going on in here?" I groaned internally knowing what was going to happen next. "Dahlinda, Principle's office now!"

    Hanging my head, I refused to see any of the new kids as I walked around them. The one that had been glaring at Jessie, put his hand on my arm. "She did nothing wrong."

    "She must have done something young man. I know you and your family are new here, but I suggest you not get in the middle of this." She grabbed my arm roughly and practically threw me out of the cafeteria.


    Dinner. I had to prepare dinner for me and the owner of the "orphanage" as I have every day. It really wasn't an orphanage as I was the only orphan in town. But she still got a check from the mayor for my care as if this was an orphanage.

    I wasn't just the cook ever since I was old enough to cook alone. No, I do everything while she's out finding any man who wanted to even touch her. So this whole huge house is cleaned and maintained by me right after school before I start dinner. Thank heavens she comes home at the same time every night so I could time dinner just right for it to be ready when she walks through the front door.

    Frowning when I heard the doorbell go, I set down my knife and went to the front door. On the other side was the guy that had helped me up. He turned when I opened the door and smiled at me. My shoulders dropped as I moved aside for him.

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