kidnapped chapter twenty-three

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A/N: sorry for the horribly long wait, it was due to long hours at work and writers block but here it is. Enjoy and thanks for voting and commenting even though my book isn't even on the what's hot list anymore :/

lol don't forget to vote and comment thanks :)


The next morning I awake to an empty bed. I sleepily rub my eyes and roll out of bed. I stumble towards the dresser picking out my clothes for the day. They always tend to be the same considering the lack of options we have. Most of the clothes are white. I pick out a white t- shirt, making sure it fits loosely. I take a pair of sweatpants and head towards the bathroom.

As always, once in the bathroom, I stare at my reflection. I look horrible. I have huge bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, and I even have a pimple! I've never in my life had a pimple. It's small and barely noticeable but it's still there, staring back at me, probably as proof of my pregnancy. I take off my shirt and turn to my side, standing on the tip of my toes so I can see my belly. If my calculations are correct I should be about a little less than 3 months pregnant. My belly is a little stretched out, not too much. It just looked like I'm poking my stomach out on purpose.

I take my hand and rub it on my stomach in circles. I can't believe that there's another life growing inside of me! It's amazing what the human body can do.

I sigh and step in the shower. I think about last night and I can't help but smile. Noah is so different from his brother and he promised he'd help me and Jess. I hope he comes through with it. I need to see my family, let them know that I'm not dead like they're most likely thinking. My mind wanders off to Noah again. I'm not sure how I feel about him. I'm not even sure if I can fully trust him. I hope he keeps his word and doesn't mention the baby to Elijah or that we kissed to Jess.

I step out the shower and dry myself off, putting my clothes on next. I apply my make up which consists of concealer and eyeliner and head downstairs. The sweet aroma of pancakes fills the air and my mouth waters instantly. I walk towards the kitchen to find Noah facing the skink and Jess sitting in her seat, eyeing the stack of pancakes on the table like if she's never are before. She looks up and smiles at me.

"Good morning sleepy head," she teases.

I stick my tongue out and take my seat as well, "good morning" I say.

At the sound of my voice Noah stops what he's doing and turns around, "good morning Alex," he says cheerfully.

"Good morning Noah," I say trying to keep my voice from sounding suspicious. It seems to work because Jess goes back to staring the pancakes.

"Where's Elijah?" I ask. Jess shrugs and Noah raises his eyebrows.

"He left this morning, I don't know what he's up to," Noah replies. Just then the front door opens and we all turn and watch Elijah walk in the room. He takes off his jacket and shoes and looks at us, no expression readable in his face.

"Speak of the devil," Jess mumbles under her breath. She sighs and leans back in her chair. It's about to be one hell of a morning. Elijah walks towards us and takes his seat at the table. The room is deadly quiet, you cut the tension with a knife.

"Good morning," I say, not being able to take the agonizing silence any longer. He looks at me, a sign of satisfaction on his face.

"Good morning Alex," he says cheerfully.

He continues to look at me and I tart to feel very uncomfortable. I look away and stare at the empty plate, wishing Noah would sit down already so we can eat. I still feel his eyes on me and I can't handle it anymore. I'm about to speak when he speaks first.

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