Chapter 38- Phil

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Phils POV

After Kandee and Dan came out, we all just sat on the couch on our laptops.

"I'm hungry..." I hear Dan say.

"Me too." I say back. "What about you?" I turn my head and ask Kandee.

"Wha- Me? Umm... Not really." Kandee says. "I think I'll skip for tonight."

"Are you sure?" Dan asks.

"Yea. I'll be fine." She says.

"Well, I'm hungry. Do you have anything good?" Dan asks.

"I'm all out. I have to go to the supermarket tomorrw." Kande replies.

"Ok then, I'm gonna go next door and get a bag of malteasers." Dan says getting up.

"Get me one!" I say.

"Alright." Dan says opening the door.

"Wait. What are maltesers?" Kandee asks stoping Dan in his tracks.

"What. You don't know what a malteaser is!?" Dan says.

Kandee shakes her head.

"How do you know Dan, and not know what malteasers are?" I ask.

Kandee shrugs.

"Ok. You are trying one when I come back." Dan says.

Dan leaves for next door and it's just me and Kandee.

"Phil?" Kandee asks.

"Yea?" I reply.

"You know I love you right?"

What does she mean?

"I mean as a best friend, of course." She finishes.

By that, I was a little disappointed...

I don't just want to be a best friend. I know Dan basically called dibs but...I'm struggling to get rid of these feelings...

"I love you too." I say. "As a best friend, of course." I didn't mean it the way she meant it though. 

"Why are saying this all of a sudden?" I ask. It is a little strange that she is just randomly saying this.

"I was thinking about how....if I... Died, from the accident....I would want you to know I loved you." She says. Kandee looks me straight in the eyes. Her beautiful one twinkling at me.

I honestly don't know what I would do without Kandee.

"Don't think like that. There's a reason for everything, and the reason you aren't hurt more than you already are is because I love you too much to have you leave me. I will do anything to protect you." I smile.

Kandee smiles back and kisses my cheek. "Thanks." She says returning to her laptop.

I blush, and also return to my laptop.



Kandees Phone goes off.

Kandee grabs her phone. She looks at the caller ID, puts her laptop aside, and starts to walk to her room without a word.

Dan walks in. Kandee waves and smiles to him, then proceeds to go to her room.

"What was that about?" He asks as he sits next to me opening his bag of malteasers.

"She's going to take a phone call." I say.

"Oh." He replies. "Who is she calling?"

"They called her, and I don't know exactly." I relpy. 

You're Special (A Dan Howell and Phil Lester Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now