Chapter Eight- Christie's Chambers

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            I’m so BORED! I don’t know what to do with myself. Usually I’m at training, but since I’m at the castle and there is no training grounds its out of the question. Maybe I could go early to Christie’s chambers and hang out with her. Surely she was as bored as I, since Prince and Princesses usually didn’t do anything until after their returning ball.

            I sighed and looked at my watch, 10:08.  Ugh, how am I going to get through the day? I decided that I would head over to Christie’s. I grabbed my sword and attached it to my belt before heading to her room. After I knocked on the door I heard Christie sing, “Who is it?”

            I smiled, “Commander Trajan.”

            The door suddenly jerked open, where I found a very angry looking Christie, “Don’t call yourself that!” she hissed.

            I frowned, “Call myself what?”

            She sighed and rolled her eyes as if she was talking to a child, “Commander Trajan! I hate titles, there for self-absorbed people. So you are Drew, and before you call me Princess or something stupid I want you to call me Christie otherwise I’m telling Zeus!”

            I knew immediately what she was talking, I sighed, “You’re weird.”

            Christie grinned, “I know I am” she said before she turned around and skipped back to her room.

            I followed her, to find her missing. I frowned, where did she go? “Christie!”

            Her head popped out of a door, “Yeah?” before she let me answer she spoke again, “Come help me pick out an outfit for the party. Oh by the way I only invited…Michele.”       

            “Cool, I don’t really think anyone would come anyone. And I doubt Princess Michele will come, she is probably to busy with work” I said as I stepped into her closet.

            I gaped, her closet was full with everything from jeans to dresses. Christie looked back at me, “No, I think she will come. Or at least I hope so.” I don’t think the last part was intended for me to hear because she spoke it in a whisper.

            “So what do you want to wear? I mean its not a big deal, you should just wear jeans and a t-shirt” I replied looking at the small red dress she was eyeing.

            “I guess your right, I’ll wear this” she said as she grabbed a black-stripped shirt that the stripes were dark black and light black. Then she moved onto grab a pair of skinny jeans and finally grabbed a pair of flats.

            “I’ll wait in your room while you get changed” I called as I walked out of the closet. I jumped onto her bed and rested my back on her headrest. I began to play with y sword out of boredom when I heard the door suddenly burst open and in came a grinning Princess Michele. My eyes widened and I quickly scrambled off the bed, curtsying as soon I was off.

            As I came up from my curtsy I saw that the Princess was no longer smiling, but now scowling while glaring at me. I flinched and looked away. “Um, I’ll just be going…I see you want to talk to Chr-Princess Christie.”

            I was about to leave when Christie stormed out of her closet and stomped over to me. I froze, her face was red with anger. She took her hand and slapped me in the back of my head. “What the heck?” she yelled at me.

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