Chapter 12- A Puddle to Mop Up

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We sat that way, with our hands intertwined, for a long time. I wish it could've been longer. We just talked about nothing and enjoyed each other's company as it gradually began to pour outside.

When Trinity lifted the hatch and began climbing up into the tower, Carl immediately pulled his hand away. I left my hand where it was. I knew that too much movement would be suspicious. She smiled at me, taking off her rain jacket.

"Good luck not getting soaked out there. I'm here to take over guard duty." she informed us, squeezing the rain from her damp hair.

Carl nodded, thanked her,chuckled, and began to descend the ladder, promptly screaming,"It's like a damn hurricane out here!" Trinity and I both laughed at Carl's suffering before I hugged her and began to make the journey myself.

I finally reached the bottom and hopped off of the slippery ladder, recalling my fall from only a few days earlier. As soon as I was on the ground, Carl sprinted away and did a 'cartwheel'. In reality, he managed to kick his feet up into the air before crashing to the muddy ground. I practically convulsed with laughter, my body shaking and my face ribboned with tears. He stood up and brushed off some of the mud before grinning shyly at me. I managed to calm myself down and took a running start before failing a cartwheel. In reality, I could have pulled it off, but I wasn't one for bragging.

As I slid to the ground after my cartwheel, laughing, I rolled around a little. I wanted to get covered in mud. Carl made his way over and helped me up, before using his other hand to smear mud all over my face.

"CARL GRIMES, YOU BRAT!" I screamed before chucking a ball of mud at the back of his head as he retreated towards the prison. The mud ball missed and I giggled as he turned and gave me a thumbs-up before running into the prison. I shook my head and brushed some mud off before tromping across the yard to the entrance. I tugged the door open against the wind and slipped inside. Carl was standing there, dirty water dripping off of him.

"Wow, you look great," I muttered sarcastically. I kissed his grimy cheek and laughed as I looked away embarrassed. When I looked back up he was grinning at me. Daryl's classic thundering footfall was heard and he entered the room.

"Really guys? Just had to give me a puddle to mop up? Go scrub off in the rain then come back in. You two can clean up the mess you just made." Daryl declared before shaking his head and leaving. I snickered at his annoyance and went back outside. Carl followed me obediently and we ran back out into the mud.

We both scrubbed at our arms and faces. I peeled off my soggy hoodie and grimy sweatpants to reveal my leggings and pink top. Carl took off his coat, but I assumed he wasn't wearing another pair of pants under his sweatpants. We travelled back inside carrying our clothes. I wiped a lone mud splatter off of Carl's face before he opened the door. I stepped inside and promptly took off my boots before scampering into the prison, towards mine and Trinity's cell.

"Whaaat?" Carl whined in a high-pitched voice before following me to my cell.

He arrived, out of breath, a few seconds after me. I grinned at him and announced, "I win."

"How come you never announce your competitions before they begin?" he groaned, sitting on the cement floor of my cell.

"Because then I might not win! Duh!" I answered, grinning slyly. Carl just rolled his eyes and laid down, his back on the floor.

"Get out of here! You're getting rain all over my floor!" I laughed, tapping his side with my foot.

"But it's comfyyyy!" he whined, curling up into a ball.

"More comfy than your nice, warm, squishy cot? It's just in there... Waiting for you," I tempted him.

"Good point!" he called out, popping up into a standing position. I grinned at his enthusiasm for comfort.

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