Chapter 9

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I know that it has been ages! :(

Sorry. Here's a long chapter to make it up!

Well atleast it's long for me...

The sun shone on my eyes. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the light. I felt the wolf sleeping, his heartbeat going steady. I felt grass tickling under my skin. But this wasn't the forest. I looked around. It was a farm.

"Hey sleephead." I heard a voice.

"Finn." I heard myself say.

"Where's Sky?" he kneeled down.

"I... I don't know." I shook my head.

Finn stood up.

"He doesn't answer any of my messages. When I found you alone in the forest, I was worried. I tried to call him. But I couldn't sense him at all." he said concerned.

"I sent him off with Snow." was all I could say.

He sighed.

"What were you guys doing anyway in the middle of the night?" he asked.

I blushed. "We were.. Collecting branches."

"Jeez! From that tree?!" he pointed towards the forest, where one huge tree stood out from the others.

"Yeah..." I didn't dare to look at him.

"You want to kill yourself? You're our only hope! Don't you realize that?!" he yelled.

"I. Tried. To. Save. The. World." I said slowly.

"How? Tell me how? I've been trying it for years! You can't just come back to this world for one day and save the world. Can you?"

"Elder Michael gave me a book." I looked in my backpack and found the book and some dead branches.

"Here" I said calmy.

He took the book from my hands. And slowly his eyes became as big as ping pong balls.

"What? Why didn't he give me this book?"

"I don't know." I whispered.

"Where are the branches?" he asked.

"I've got the dead ones. But Sky has the other ones."

Finn cussed and scratched the back of his head.

"By the way. Can you stop things with your hand?" I asked curious.

"What do you mean?"

"Well. I just can stop things."

"Show me." Finn said and he took a step back.

I stood up.

"What do you..." I began, buy Finn gracefully made a circle with his feet. He grinned.

I just stood there. But then suddenly a ball of mud came flying towards me. I dodged it.

"What the heck?!" I yelled.

Another mud ball came flying and I stopped it with my hand.

"That was epic. Try to send it back!"

"What?" but the mud already came flying towards me. I caught it, but the force of the mud pushed me back. I put all the energy I had into the mud and sent it flying back to Finn. He sent another mud ball against the other one. The two balls crashed into each other, causing a big splash of mud and a loud noise. The mud was flying everywhere. This time I used both my hands. But still I couldn't shield everything. Covered in mud I walked towards Finn.

"You okay?" I smiled.

"Yeah.. Where did you learn that?" he asked speechless, his whole face covered in dirt.

"I just discovered it yesterday."

"What...? How did you know how to put your energy in the ball?"

"I..." I wanted to say that I honestly had no idea at all, but I got cut off.

"Elurra" a muffled voice coughed.

"Sky!" Finn yelled. I looked at the direction of the voice. I smiled once I saw him. But it faded away, once I saw his expression on his face. Exhausted and tortured. His crystal blue eyes were dull.

I ran towards him. Sky mouthed no. I stopped, confused and turned towards Finn, who clenched his fists. As I looked closer, I saw that Sky was surrounded by some black shadows. As they came closer, it became darker and cooler. Slowly they floated at the ground and transformed into humans. Well not humans, maybe dark angels. Or...

"Demons." Finn said.

I looked at the person in front of me. He had a dirty smirk across his face. A big scar went diagonally through his face. And his dark eyes were expressionless. He stared back.

"What do you want?" I asked, not caring if it sounded rude.

"It's always the same. What do you want? Leave me alone. Why are you doing this? Thought you might be more original. But no." he said coldly.

I clenched my fists.

"Don't mess with me or my friends." I hissed.

The guy stepped forward.

"What'cha going to do girl?" he tilted up my chin. I slapped it away. I was furious. How dare he? I pointed my finger towards him. I closed my eyes and focused my energy. He was still smirking, but the other moment he was flying through the air.

"This." I said.

"Who's next?" I looked at the other shadows, they looked at each other, as they were scared.

One of them stepped forward and hissed in tongues, making me numb. He had put some kind of binding spell on me. I couldn't move. Finn, Sky! I wanted to scream. Slowly he took a step forward and smirked. Then from his pocket he got a dagger. The blade reflected the sun rays. It was sharp and looked dangerous.

"Master would like to see you. Dead." he smirked and pointed the dagger towards me.

"What do we do with these two?" another voice said, pointing to Sky and Finn.

"Let' kill her first. We shall see what happens to them. We could feed them to Master's pets." he was still looking at me.

"He wanted to let you die painfully. You should be happy that I'm the one who's finishing you off."

In my mind I rolled with my eyes. Nobody dies of happiness. I've been in this world for like what? Two days and I've already got so many nearly killed moments. I guess I'm damned.

I wanted to look away, but I couldn't even move my eyes. They started to tear, because I couldn't blink.

"Hey don't cry. It will be over." he smirked. He pointed the dagger towards my throat.

But suddenly the wolf leapt forward and its body crashed in the demon. The wolf growled, showing his bare teeth like the way he did yesterday. But now his victim wasn't me.

The man looked shocked and vanished in dust. Soon after him the others vanished.

"Take that, you filthy piece of shit!" Finn yelled.

I turned towards them. But then Sky collapsed.

"Sky!" I yelled as I ran towards him.

"Do something!" I screamed at Finn.

Finn looked shocked and stared at the nasty wound of Sky.

"Finn!" I screamed.

And then it was chaos.

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