Chapter 1: The Beginning Part 1

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Its afternoon again, the most boring subject is up next. I never liked this subject so I always sleep during this period. 

“Sam!” a voice snapped while I was deeply asleep.

“Sleeping again in my class? Not a good habit eh?” the teacher protested

“I’m sorry, ma’am. It won’t happen again” I quickly answered.

“What can I do? I hate your class. Can’t help it, I just fall asleep whenever you start talking” my thoughts while she resumed discussing.

“Okay, Class you’ll be divided into 5 groups. Mix different chemicals in the lab and pass the formula to me by next week okay?” the teacher said with the evil smirk.

“Crap, I’d be dead. I don’t have any idea what to do” my thought while she was dividing the class.

“Okay, so the sleepy head Sam will be teamed with Jm, Lyka, Joselle, Beatrice and the new student.” The teacher said.

“New student? Who?” I said while looking at the back.

“What’s your name again sweetie?” the teacher asked in a sweet tone.

“Abby” the new student replied.

“Ma’am, with all due respect. How could she be in our team, if she’ll be transferred until next week?” I asked in a loud tone.

“Well, Mr. Lee. The principal ordered that she’ll officially be transferred tomorrow. She’s here in this class to introduce herself to her new classmates.” The teacher said in a proud manner

“Okay” I said as I go back to my sleeping position.

The sound of the bell ringing woke me up. Finally, its time to go home now. Thank God its Friday! I can stay away from the pathetic environment  in school for a couple of days but I still have to do that stupid Chemistry Project. “Nah!, I don’t wanna do that stupid project!” I said as I was slowly rising up after a nice sleep.


The sound of the alarm woke me up at 8 am. “Gah!, its Saturday! But I still have to meet up with my lame teammates. Such bad luck.” I blabbered while I was rubbing my eyes.

As I arrive at the laboratory near the school grounds, I could see them impatiently waiting.

“Hey!, Sorry I’m late” I said as I was approaching them. Of course, I was facing down.

“Oh, Look here! Mr. Punctuality has arrived! Welcome sleepy head! Why are you here so early in the morning!” Jm said while welcoming me with the sarcastic expression.

“Maybe his mom didn’t wake him up!” Joselle said while everyone was laughing.

“It’s better if we start now. So Zip it” I said with an angry tone.

“Alright , Alright! No need to be grumpy.” Jm said while making fun of me.

So, these are my teammates. Let me introduce them properly.

Joselle Montes the rebellious girl in school; doesn’t care about her studies and just hangs out everywhere. She has black hair and dark-brown eyes. She’s been well-known for talking back to teachers.

That over there is Jm Jjang, another Asian in our school. Well, like he’s a dancer. He is the main star in our section considering the fact that he’s famous because of being a dancer. He has black hair, which he dyed into a bit brownish and dark-brown eyes.  

Okay, the girl over there is Lyka Jensen, She’s the sporty girl in the school. She has like the most powerful spike in volleyball and if you get a direct hit from it, you’ll find yourself hospitalize for a couple of days. She has these brown eyes and the curly brunette hair.

Beatrice Stewart,  cousin of the newbie. She has this black hair and almonds like eyes. She looks very much like her cousin. She enjoys reading as much as I do.

And my last team mate, Abby Stewart. She’s the transferee that I talked to. Not much is known from her since she just came. She has a curly brunette hair like Lyka but she has these almonds like eyes which are relatively small and is comparable to an Asian’s eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2011 ⏰

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