Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 (Unedited but will be editing as I read through, i may or may not add more to it) 


(Angel POV)

“Angel wake up and move,” Ashley shook me, I groaned and buried my face in the fluffy pillow.
“No,” I complained she groaned and pushed me away from her, I opened my eyes seeing that I had grabbed her instead of my pillow.
“Move Angel,” she growled I pouted and moved off of her and onto my real pillow; she jumped out the bed as I snuggled up to Mr. Snuggles my bear from Build a Bear workshop. I shut my eyes again hearing Ashley in the bathroom she was taking a shower. I’m sure it’s six in the morning, which is the time she wakes up. She has a morning routine, she wakes up, takes a showers, brushes her teeth, then she makes a morning protein shake before she goes on a two hour exercise run, then she comes back takes another shower then helps her mom fix breakfast, goes back out again for weight lifting for another hour, comes back again to take a quick shower before waking me up. I’m not sure why she takes so many showers between her workouts, but I never questioned it because she’s my friend and I love her no matter what.
“Go back to sleep,” Ashley scowled as she emerged from the bathroom in her running gear with steam flowing behind her. She didn’t run in her wolf, she always ran in her human form because she said something about being strong while human makes you a stronger wolf, I think she only runs as a wolf when she does perimeter checks and pack routine runs.
“I am, make sure you take lots of water and, and, Gatorade,” I mumbled shutting my eyes as sleep over took me again.

*Four hours later 10 a.m.*

“Thank You, Mr. and Ms. Roger,” I chirped chugging down my freshly squeezed orange juice that Ashley was kind enough to make. Ashley rolled her eyes across from me while her parents laughed and ruffled my hair.
“No problem, we always wanted another daughter and we just love when you come over,” I grinned at Ashley as she chuckled while sipping on her cup of tea. She liked to drink hot tea after she ate and when she needed to relax, I think she’s relaxing right now because her hair was down and flowing pass her shoulders. Ashley rarely wore her hair down and when she did, she looked so pretty and peaceful, plus she was even nicer too me when she did have it down.
“I like it here too and your food is yummy,” I exclaimed giggling as they both hugged me from my side.
“We would hug you all day, but we have to get to the pack, but we’ll be back for more hugs,” Ms. Rogers said I nodded letting her kiss my cheek before kissing Ashley and leaving out with her mate. I sighed I can’t wait until I find someone for myself, they were always so happy along with mom and dad, but I actually want to wait a bit before finding my mate if I have one or someone else because I want to finish school and have a career first, it seemed like fun having a mate and all, but I know how wolves get about Mates.
“I’m still sleepy,” I say Ashley groaned and stood up, I pouted and followed her up to her room.
“Don’t go to sleep,” I sigh and sit on the bed. I know I shouldn’t be sleepy, but after such a great meal, I can’t help it.
“Seriously Angel,” Ashley said from inside her closet I groaned and leaned my head against the wall shutting my eyes as she rummaged around her closet for my clothes. I’m sure they were in there somewhere.
“Angel get up and get over here, I found it,” I slowly stand up and drag my feet to her closet seeing her holding up my yellow sundress, along with my jean jacket and my pair of flats. I wonder if she’ll let me wear my converses instead. 
“Get dressed, we’ll go to the store and get the supplies for today,” I hugged her quickly. Tonight is going to be awesome we were going to watch all the movies that I picked out she even choose some this time, because last time she didn’t and she said she didn’t like my choices, now we can watch something that she likes too!!
“I’m excited,” I exclaimed as she pulled my shirt over my head for me, before she sat on the bed. I pulled my dress on quickly and turned to her letting her zip me up.
“I know, afterwards we go to the doctor and see what he says about your cast, I was able to get you in for today, he doesn’t want your arm to set wrong,” I nodded not really listening. I’m still thinking about everything we’ll do today and tonight, maybe I’ll even make it pass my bed time!
“Put your arm in,” she scolded as I bounced on the balls of my feet grinning like crazy as I moved my casted arm through the hole letting her adjust it as it needed to be before putting my other arm in.
“There now, your shoes,” I nodded and slid my feet in the flats before frowning at them.
“Can I wear my converses the black and white low tops,” I asked curiously, I think it’ll match. I mean it should match. I’m not very good at matching yet, but black and white matches with everything.
“Go ahead,” she sighed shaking her head I giggle and run into her closet grabbing my shoes; I kick my flats off before slipping into my converses while wiggling my toes. I loved walking in my converses I trip less often when I do and flats make my feet fill funny, but I do have a lot of them too.
“Do you want to call your dad and mom before we leave,” I shook my head no, I already texted them both, I didn’t want to mess up their weekend, although dad did prefer if I called just so he could officially know that I’m okay, but Ashley already linked up with him earlier.
“Mom is swimming and dad is watching her swim,” I explained remembering what dad texted me earlier, I think they were at some resort because we definitely don’t have a pool. I tried to talk him into getting one, but he wouldn’t budge, I think it has something to do with us neglecting him if we were to get one. I watched Ashley tug on her shoes before grabbing her keys. I grinned we were taking her mustang I loved her car and I can’t wait until I get my own, but dad said I had to wait until I’m seventeen which will be another year or so, but I can start driving school and I can get my permit now that I’m sixteen.
“Angel come on, we don’t have all day,” She teased gently; I laughed and ran out after her while grabbing my phone. Ashley kept my money for me, apparently I’m not responsible to hold my own stuff which is stupid.
“Can I practice,” I asked getting into her beautiful red car. She gave me a look that clearly meant no. I shrugged.
“One day I’m going to have a cool car too and I won’t let you drive it,” I pointed out as she laughed I huffed no one ever takes me seriously. I sat in silence as she sped down the road, I huffed once more and looked out the window.
“I’m serious,” I grumbled ignoring her as she patted my head as if she wasn’t afraid. I may not be a wolf, but I can fight, my dad and brother taught me last year.
“I know Angel, but we’re at Wal-Mart and you know you can’t be serious at Wal-Mart,” I frowned it’s true you can’t be serious at Wal-Mart especially not this Wal-Mart my favorite one.
“Fine, but when we get back in the car, I’m going to be mad again,” I mumbled getting out the car as she turned it off.
“Your dad said don’t spend more than a hundred and not too much Junk food, also no games, unless it’s a board game,” I nodded he gave me the same rules every week. I never spent more than a hundred in fact I never spent more than fifty dollars. I like to save my money and I’m sure I have over two thousand dollars saved.
“I know, we have to get more movies and we need popcorn, kettle, cheddar and butter,” I mumbled hopping on the back of the cart as she pushed it through the isle. I grabbed the food as we went, we do this almost every weekend, unless there was something Ashley had to do for the pack or if I had a big exam coming up, but we were both free.
“Brownies,” she pointed to them, I reached out and grabbed a box along with a box of sugar cookies while she grabbed the icing before pushing us into another aisle.
“One bag of candy,” she said I grinned as we rolled down the aisle, I’m looking for a multi-pack. My smile widened as I spot it, I reach out and grab it just as she was about to pass it. I tossed it in the cart.
“Drinks, what do you have in mind,” I puckered up my lips thinking.
“Um, lets get some milk for the brownies and cookies, then some soda pop and juice for the rest, then we pick out the movies,” I said looking at the cart we were missing ice-cream we need ice-cream.
“And Ice-cream,” she pointed out making me giggle, she knows me too well.

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