Chapter One: Cat

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Cat's POV:

"And who was the person who discovered Australia?"

No one put their hand up and I continued to draw on the page of my book, "Cat" my teacher snaps and I look up to see her standing in front of my desk.

"First person who is more well-know for landing and settling in Australia was Captain James Cook. But he wasn't the first outside besides the Indigenous people to come here was-"

"The answer is Captain James Cook, he was the only one-"

"Ah, but miss you are wrong. European, Asian and others have come to Australia before Mister Cook, James just laid claim on the land while the others didn't" the teachers mouth was turned into a firm line as she turned and walked away.

Chuckling I turned back to my book and continued drawing on the pages as I stared at the drawings.

The bell goes and I grab my things and walk out of the school building, with my plain canvas messenger bag with the captain America shield on it as I headed towards my house - until I felt my phone vibrate.

Pulling it out of my jacket pocket I pressed the green button and answered the call, "Hello?"

"I have something you might want."

"What would that be exactly?" I smirked, changing my personality to fit my character I played as I started to strut towards my apartment instead to discard my bag and get my gear.

"I have this small circle ball that's blue and glowing, I had managed to swipe it from S.H.I.E.L.D and no one's noticed."

"Doesn't sound very interesting my friend."

"It's a power source, the small ball can power a whole city if it had to."

"Hmm... where's the location?"

"My house."

"See you soon." I hung up, entering my apartment as I threw my bag onto the floor and walked into my bedroom and pulled on my black leggings and large black shirt that ended mid thigh as I tied my hair up in a pony tail and laced my boots up.

Pulling my gloves on I waved a hand over myself, changing my light brown hair to a deep red, my face structure changes, as well as my body shape, my eyes turn to an icey blue and I grew three inches in height. 

Smirking at the mirror I clapped my hands and I teleported from my secret apartment to Peter's closet, I went to open the door until I heard something on the other side. Pressing my air to the door I listened carefully before I blinked and made myself invisible.

Slowly I pushed the door open and slipped out of the gap and watched a S.H.I.E.L.D agent walk past, "She's not here yet sir. No sir, Peter's made an agreement to give us the girl. She's taken the bait sir, yes sir, good bye sir."

I tried my hardest not to snort as I followed him into Peter's bed room, where he sat on the bed, hand cuffed.

"She's not stupid."

"We'll be deciding that when she arrives." the agent mused as I rolled my eyes, walking over to the bed side table where a small glowing ball was in a ring box. I gently touched it, making it invisible also as I quickly put it in a small silver box that I made to transport objects, just he alien stuff.

Hurriedly I moved over to the agent and made myself visible and patted his shoulder, he turned and I kneed him where it hurts and when he was bent in pain I grabbed his head and it made contact with my knee.

"You okay Peter, honey?" I moved towards him in my twenty year old body.

"I'm fine." he huff's.

"Did you tell them anything?"


"Good." I pressed my two finger tips to his forehead and reached into his mind, quickly deleting anything to do with me, "Sorry old boy, but I don't want to be locked up." I smirked and watched him fall unconscious, blood dribbling from his nose as he snored.

"Right, now, I-"

"Don't move." I froze, before I slowly put my hand up, dropping the small box and hang it from my neck as I awaited more instructions, "Slowly turn around."

I did as I was told and stared at the woman in amusement, "Hello Black Widow."

"Who are you?"

"A ghost."

"Answer my question!" 


"Right, I-"

"Sleep tight, Black Widow." my palm opened and I sent out a green pale orb that smacked her right in the face, making her fall unconscious as I stepped over her I spotted her weapon, "Oh, shiny." I picked up her gun and tucked it into my boot before I plucked her I.D badge from her, "This would go for a brilliant price." I mused before I continued walking through out the oddly empty house.

Making my way back to the closet that I knew I would be able to use to disappear in without them knowing - until someone tackles me to the ground. Flipping around I slammed my palm against their chest, sending a pulse into their body for their mind to tell them about the excruciating pain that I apparently gave the man.

He howl's in pain and I kicked him off of me before I got up to run - but instead, my path was blocked by more agents from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Scowling at them all they demanded I put my hands up, instead, I turned and ran at the glass window where I quickly shielded my face and broke through it. 

Flying through the air I finally saw that there was black SUV's on the road as I landed and started to sprint towards the other side of the road where I knew I could disappear to.

They fired at me, which was easy to dodge since I reached forward and made their sight go fuzzy so they couldn't aim properly.

Grinning to myself as I jumped onto the hood of a car and slid across it and hit the road as I sprinted for the front door of the house.


I'm almost there- suddenly pain explodes from my side and I gasped, accidentally letting my fake persona fall, so I shrunk in size, my hair started to back to brown and I felt my body shape start to change also. Gathering myself as I continued to run I ignored the pain and pushed upon myself the person I had thought up, and I grew, body shape came back and my hair turned red again.

I reached the door, making my leg gain a heap of strength so I could kick it down. Flying away from the door frame I ran through the lounge room, sending out a pulse that made the agents fall asleep as I ran to the closet, closed the door and then disappeared from the house, probably confusing the idiots.

I found myself in my apartment, looking down I pulled my shirt off and gasped at the bullet wound... this is defiantly going to hurt.

Third Person's POV

"Agent, what the hell happened?!"

"When we shot her - what she looked like started to change sir, we're going to have to either take Black Widow and Hawk Eye off of this case and bring Coulson in - or just have the Avenger's find her."

"... I'll allow Coulson to be in charge of this operation for now, he can find her and the fragment from the Tesseract before they both disappear."

"Of course sir."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2014 ⏰

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