Chapter Four: Our Spot

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Video is Jason Aldean's Why which is an awesome song!

Chapter Four

          I lightly knock on the door and before I could even bring my arm back to my side the door was yanked open revealing Lexi in a pair of silky pajama bottoms and tank top with her hair pull back out of her thin face. Her ice cold hand wraps around my wrist and I find myself being drag into the den. “Boy Meets World Marathon!” she screams.

          I smile; see Boy Meets World was our favorite TV show when we were younger so we love the marathons because there is hardly ever one.

          “Awesome!” I say as she pulls onto the big, soft, brown, leather couch.

          I look up at the huge flat screen to see it playing a commercial and then Lexi asks, “What did you want talk about?”

          “Well I kinda got asked out on a date. And I kinda said yes without knowing it was a date,” I tell her timidly.

          My ears quickly start to ring as she asks me a million questions loudly, or at least it sounded like a million from how fast she was talking.

          “One at a time!” I tell her rolling my eyes.

          “How did you not know it was a date?!” she asks me first, I have to release a sigh she is so naïve.

          “You know me. Guys ask me all the time to hang out, because im like one of the guys, but he asked me if I wanted to hang out after the game Friday and assuming it was as friends like it always is with all the guys I said yes. Than he was like ‘great it’s a date! We’ll work the details out later’. I mean I have never ever been on a date before,” I say as I lay my head in my hands.

          “True… I understand…” she pauses allowing it to process. “By the way who is it?” she asks and I sigh.

          “Will Preston,” I say as I glance up at her face trying to catch a glimpse of an expression.

          Her blue eyes widen. “Will Preston!!!!” she screams and I go to talk but she raises a hand in my face. “Will Freaking Preston!! As in caption of the football team! One the hottest guys in school!! That Will Preston! You have a date with Will Preston the biggest man whore and player our school has!” I swallow hard. What she is saying is relatively true. Except according to ever one else the hottest and coolest guy at school just so happened to be Cameron, followed closely by Kayden and then Will but of course being her brothers they don’t count. I am also pretty sure Cameron is the biggest man-whore in school but I could be wrong.

          “Yeah,” I sigh knowing that Will had a rep and he would probably try something on our date and I am so not prepared for that!

          “Oh shit! What are you going do?” she asks sitting up straight.

          “I guess give it a shot,” but thinks for getting me thinking how unprepared I am.

          Suddenly all was dark and I heard a rough voice say, “guess who?” I didn’t have to guess know that calm sweet voice, “Kayden,” I guess and the hands quickly vanish. He leap over the back of the couch and sits beside me allowing his arm to fall over my shoulder in a friend way I was use to. It doesn’t bother me and it’s not like sparks fly or I get butterflies with him.

          “Did you know about her date?” Lexi asks Kayden in an accusing way.

          “What date?” he asks looking down at me.

          “With Will Preston,” Lexi tells him and his face went to a face of shock.

          “Andie, you cannot go on a date with him,” Kayden his says and his voice his low and protective.

          “Actually I can and I am,” I glare up at him.

          He goes to say something but I cut him off. “Usually Cameron is the one who tells me what to do, not you,” I glare at him once more.

          “Cameron does what?” Cameron’s tough but sweet voice says as he enters the room. He is in a pair of baggy sweat pants and a white shirt that hugged his chest.

          “Easdropps,” I mumble under my breath.

          “I did no such thing,” he smirks. Lexi shifts in her place on the couch and then, yells, “Shut up! It’s back on!”

          I bit my lip trying to hide my laughter. Cameron plops down into the recliner and lays back. I turn my attention to the screen and watch the show.

          Cameron stands up and walks out the room. I stand up and follow him onto the back porch. “What are ya doen Cammie?” I ask step ping to his side.

          “I am going to go for a ride on the dirt bike,” he shrugs and I sigh. He lets out a groan and says, “Want to come with?”

          Quickly I smile and nod. He smiles and slips his hand into mine holding it as he lead me to their shed that held five dirt bikes. Slipping my hand from his I grab my bike and back it out. Throwing my leg over the seat and start it up.

          “Here,” Cameron says as he shoves a blue helmet on my head and then a red one on his.

          He climbs on his and starts it then we pull out of the backyard and head across his farm. It took me awhile to realize where we were headed, but when we drove through a path through a tree line and I saw the rocks surrounding a lake and water cascading down the side of the rocks and into the still water. It is our spot just him and me, no one else knew about it besides us. We came here all time and I am not that surprise that he decides to come today.

          We came to a stop and kick out a kick stand and climbs off of his dirt bike. I follow his lead and get off mine hooking my helmet on one of the handle bars.

          “What we doing?” I ask sweetly walk to where he is beside the clear water.

          My response was silence. Was he ignoring me? “Cam what up?” I ask as I walk to his side. No response. “Are you mad at me?” I ask as I place my hand lightly on his shoulder.

          He shrugs it off. Damn he is so dang bipolar. I tell myself. “Cameron David Peters! Answer me now.” My voice says full of anger and annoyance.

          “What?” he snaps, startling me. “What do you freaking want?” he says roughly staring out at the water.

          “Are you bipolar? Why the hell are you jumping down my throat?” I say back to him my voice slowly rises.

          “Do you really think I am bipolar?” he asks glancing at my face and seeming calmer now.

          “Yeah,” I mumble and glance up at his face. His lips were in a tight straight smile which is his upset face.

          “Me too,” he sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.

          I bit down on my lip restraining a laugh. “So why are you mad at me?” I ask sliding down to sit on the rock up our feet.

          He does the same. “Because you changed,” he mumbles almost to soft for me to hear.


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