Chapter 28

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Hey! So, you may or may not have noticed me uploading another story called 'runaway love,' it's my very old story from when I first started. On my opinion it's not good but a lot of people seem to like it, so, yeah. I can't believe I have almost 30,000 views on this story! That's amazing! I love you all, thank you for all the votes, the reviews and fans on here. You really make writing funner than possible. <3



Forgiving someone is often difficult. I was afraid, afraid of rejection. I made him say something he didn’t want to say, I made the truth come out. But sometimes the truth is often best hidden; maybe the truth was only in his mood at the current time. We were both yelling, we said some things. If I wanted to forgive, why was I shaking in my boots?

“Sasha darling, we have something to tell you.”

I followed my mum’s voice downstairs, curiously. Darling? What was with her? She hadn’t been the same since I told her about my pregnancy, often staying out of my way. She wasn’t helpful like I had hoped, I lost her respect. But it was barely bothering me, my mind was on other things. Things more important than people’s respect for me.

I stepped into the dining room and observed my surroundings. My mother sat at the head of the table, my dad beside her. Their hands were locked together, big grins on their faces. I was confused, what did I miss?

I slowly walked over, taking a seat on the opposite side of the table to dad. Their eyes stared back at me, not breaking it once. I was hoping they were going to blink soon, it was beginning to get creepy.

“We have some great news to tell you.”

“And that is?”

“We’re going on a holiday!” mum said a bit too excited.

A holiday? Good for them, I don’t see how I should be excited in any way. I was going to be home alone for Christmas. Maybe that’s why she was so happy; she was finally getting rid of her pregnant teenage daughter. Maybe I should be happy to get rid of my judging mother for the holiday season.

“Good for you.” I rolled my eyes, tapping my fingernails on the table. 

“No, no, no sweetheart,” dad took my hand that I was using to tap the table with. “You’re coming with us!”


Holiday? Me and my family on a holiday. I had to resist the urge to laugh. This was a joke, right? This is the bit where they need to go, ‘just kidding, were leaving you at home.’ That wouldn’t even make me feel bad.

“We thought you may have been stressed with the baby so we’re visiting your auntie for the Christmas holiday!”

“Auntie Laura?”I asked slowly, hoping they’d say no.


“I am not coming with you to the snow!” I yelled, standing up now.

“It will be beautiful, and there’s snow here. Come on, she has that nice warm wooden cabin.”

I folded my arms, “I’m pregnant.”

“Don’t remind me.” my mother sighed.

I remember going to Auntie Laura’s house when I was younger. I learnt to snowboard there and ever since, I’ve loved it. But the thought of going there pregnant was horrible. I couldn’t do that; I could only sit around in front of my families judging eyes.

“I can’t snowboard then and you know how much I love to snowboard. I wouldn’t be able to do that.”

“Please darling, she’s dying to see you.”

“No, she’s dying to judge me.” I pointed at my growing stomach, tears forming in my eyes. “I can’t be away from Justin either.”

“You broke up...” dad sighed, as if I had forgotten.

“It was a misunderstanding; I was going to go talk to him today.”

Dad half smiled, “Then bring him.”

“No!” mum slapped dad’s arm.

Dad ignored her and turned back to me, “Would you agree to come if Justin does?”

I guess I would like that. Being with Justin alone for a week would do us good. He asked for alone time with me. Well here’s an opportunity with no interruptions.

I nodded, “Okay. I’ll go ask him then.”

“Then it’s settled, the Skies family are going to the snow!”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help but smile walking out of the room. I could have a whole week with Justin. Well, if he’s willing to take me back. I just hope Ally was right.



The knock at the door wasn’t enough to move me from playing Xbox. I yelled out to mum to get it and continued on my kill streak on call of duty. I was addicted, since the breakup this has become my life. It’s helping me get my mind of Sasha and that’s what I needed. The fact I didn’t have Sasha was killing me.

“Um Justin, I think you need to pause your game.” Mum said nervously, walking past me.

“Why? Who was it?”

She said nothing, just kept walking out of the room. The way she left made me believe someone was at the door still. It must not have been for her, or her business. It was for me, which made me nervous.

I stood up and slowly made my way to the door. My eyes widened, my heart dropped and my stomach churned. There stood the beautiful girl I had been trying to get off my mind. Her eyes were watery but she looked hopeful. What was she doing here?

“Sasha...” I breathed.

“Hey Justin.” she nervously ran a hand through her hair. “Can we talk?”

I eagerly nodded, stepping out of the way to let her pass. She strolled in, taking a seat on the lounge and holding back an obvious smirk as she spotted call of duty on the television screen.

“What’s up?”

“I miss you and I don’t want us to be over.” she sighed, “I hope you can forgive me...”

“Forgive you? Baby, you’re joking right?”

Her expression dropped. She shook her head and stood up quickly, deciding to leave. She didn’t get what I meant at all. I took hold of her wrist and pulled her down to my lap.

“I need you to forgive me, I mean. You didn’t do anything wrong...”

“W-what?” Her voice was shaky.

“Sasha Skies, will you forgive me?”

She nodded, “Of course, and do you forgive me?”

I laughed and nodded, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer. I didn’t want her out of my life again, I don’t think I’ll ever regret going to Ally’s party.

“I have a question for you,” she wiped her eyes to get rid of any loose tears. “I know how you asked for some alone time with me before we had a fight...”

“Oh, it’s okay Sasha. She can hang out with you, as long as you’re mine, I’m o-”

She placed her finger over my mouth, smiling. “I want you to come with me and my family to the snow.”

My eyes widened at her offer, “Really? Yes! Yes of course I will.”

She grinned and threw her arms around me again, “Good, because I missed you and we have some catching up to do.”

“It was only a few days...”

“And they seemed like the longest days of my life.”


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