Phone Calls & Damns

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Phone Calls & Damns

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I quickly press the answer button, and I run out of the room. So that I don't wake up Chloe. I take a seat at the top of the steps. I finally say hello into the phone while resting my head against the railing and closing my eyes.

"Hey. Bia, its me. Tim."
"Oh, hi! Good morning."
"Morning. Um... I was just calling because I didn't call you last night and I didn't want you to think that I was one of those guys who never calls a girl-"
"Hey. Tim, it's fine. I don't think that. I was busy anyway."
"Oh. Um okay then..."
"... Would you want to maybe go on a date with me?"
"Yeah. Sure. Tomorrow night?"
"Sounds good. Pick you up at 6:30?"
"PM right?"
"Alright see you then."
"Bye bye."

I end the call and slip the phone into my pocket. I very carefully make my way downstairs. I walk, what feels like a maze, to make it to the kitchen. Flipping on the light as I enter, I head to the coffee machine. I don't normally drink coffee, unless I wake up this early. I guess you could say I'm more of a hot coco type of person.
While I'm making the pitcher of coffee, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I grab another mug from the cabinet, and set it beside mine. As soon as the person enters the kitchen, the coffee is done, and I'm pouring it into the two mugs.

"Bianca, didn't know you were an early bird."
"Occasionally I am Mr. Summers. How do you like your coffee?"
"One teaspoon of sugar, and a dash of cream. And Bianca you don't have to call me Mr. Summers."
"But that shows respect, and I was brought up to respect the people who take care of me."
"Ah yes, your parents raised you well."
"That they did... Here's your coffee."
"Thank you. Would you like something to eat?"
"No thank you, I don't eat this early."
"That's fine, I've got to get to work anyway. Have a nice day."
"You too."

After Mr. Summers leaves, I take a seat at the kitchen island, and I sip my coffee. Eventually my mind drifts off. While lost in my thoughts I don't notice anyone come down the stairs. This also means I don't hear or see anyone come into the kitchen. Which is why I didn't see it coming when someone poked my sides and tickled me.

"God damn it Chloe!"
"Haha, I got ya."
"What are you doing up this early?"
"Well... Someone's phone ringing woke me up."
"Awe, I'm so sorry."
"It's fine. So I hear you have a date tomorrow tonight..."
"Yeah, is it bad im nervous about it?"
"Nah, you got something to wear?"
"I think so, you'll help me right?"
"Of course anything for my sister from another mister."

Chloes then stares at me with this creepy smile on her face before we both break into loud hyena laughter. We continue to laugh like this for about 5 minutes before Cam comes stomping down the steps. He then continues to stomp into the kitchen and to the coffee machine. Chloe and I stop laughing... Well more like Chloe stops laughing and I start giggling quietly. Cam then stomps across the room in search of some weird coffee flavoring. Chloe then gives me a wink before skipping to Cam.

"What?" Cam's voice sounds sleepy and annoyed but I find my self biting my lip.
"You're not five, quit stomping around like a child."
"Well maybe I wouldn't have to stomp around like a damn kid if you two weren't so damn loud this damn early."
"Damn, Cam. Could ya fit anymore damns into that sentence?"
"Yes Bianca, I damn well can."
"Well damn then."
"Damn it you two! Stop saying damn!"

Cam, Chloe, and I start laughing again. Oh gosh, Cam's laugh is one of the most cutest guy laughs I've ever heard. Oh gosh, stop mind. Its just a game. Plus I have a date with Tim tomorrow night. It should be fun. Wait, is this breaking one of the rules of the game? Maybe its better if Cam doesn't know. It could be a little secret. Yeah that works. Why is Chloe's hand waving in front of my face? Oh no I spaced. I have got to stop doing that.

"Hello? Earth to Bianca!"
"Stop your day dreaming. Now I have to go out, babysit Cam."
"Hey! I don't need babysitting!" Cam yells from the other room.
Chloe then decides to yell back at him, right by my ear. "Yes you do!"
"Sorry Bianca."
"Just go before you kill me."
"Me? Kill you? Pssssh."

I then proceed to stare daggers at her until she leaves the house.


Sorry, it took so long and it short. And sorry that its more of a filler. But let me know what you think, good or bad, either way it would help me out a lot. Until next time peeps. <3

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