Chapter 7

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Kaylah’s POV

I was nervous!  Tonight was the night that I finally gave in and put my heart back out there but this time it was gonna be different!  I know Deke saw me at the game and he looked a little disappointed that I didn’t wear the jersey but I was planning on making it up to him tonight!  After a quick dinner with the rents I kissed them goodbye and told them not to wait up to which my dad replied “I will anyways so make sure you and your brother are home by one!”  I laughed shouted a quick ok and drove off to the party.

As I pulled up I noticed the party had already migrated to the lawn.  I made my way inside spotting my brother hooking up with a red head.  I decided it was time for a little payback so I walked up to them and yanked my brother away from his lip lock!

“Kane how could you! You told me you were just going to the store for Kane Jr.’s milk and I find you here with her!  We’ve only been married for a month!”  I shouted adding a little tear action for effect!



They both shouted only hers followed with a “jerk” afterwards and she left!

I couldn’t hold back the laughter as I looked into Kane’s stunned eyes!  

“Y-your face is-s priceless right now!!!” I spluttered.

“Not cool Kaylah!” Kane grumbled as he turned to chase after the girl.

“Next time stay out of my business bro!” I shouted laughing at his disappearing back! 

I then spotted Steven and asked where Deke was.

“Last I saw him he was doing shots in the den.” he answered.

Shots? Well he deserved it after the awesome game he played tonight!

I hurried over there anxious to share my feelings with him.  I scanned the room and saw a bunch of the football boys doing shots but no Deke.  There was a couple making out on the couch in the corner and a group of guys talking along the fireplace so I headed over there but didn’t see him.  He must’ve moved rooms so I started back towards the door passing the couple on the couch. If they didn’t stop soon it was gonna turn into a porn shoot! I was almost past them when something about the guy seemed familiar.  I took a step closer at the exact time they decided to come up for air.  It wasn’t the best light but I would know those eyes anywhere! They were the same warm eyes I had been staring into daily over the past two weeks.  The same eyes I let myself fall in love with.  Only instead of the warmth and laughter I usually saw in them, now they burned with lust for the girl sitting on his lap, Tanya.

I felt it again then, my heart shattering and falling into my stomach only this time it hurt ten times worse.  I wanted to throw up it hurt so bad.  No we weren’t a couple and he was free to kiss whoever he wanted but was everything he said a lie? Was what Cara said all those weeks ago true?  Did he only want me because Shane had me?  Was this supposed to be funny?  I finally decided to give him my heart but I guess it wasn’t worth giving.  I tasted salt on my lips realizing it was my tears.  I must’ve made a noise because they both turned to me.  Deke looked a little dazed then his eyes widened as he looked from me to Tanya then back pushing Tanya off and standing.  

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