Uninterested *chapter 5*

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Chapter 5 story start:

I woke up this morning at noon. Theft and Deuce went home for the day, well that is what the note on the kitchen counter said. I went upstairs to take a shower and get dressed. So what was I supposed to do today, I couldn't drive, things were just a bit to far to walk and the bikes in the garage were all either missing a tire or the tires were flat. So i guess I'm stuck here.

WAIT! I can call a cab. But where would I go?

*ding dong* (A.N. that is supposed to be a doorbell by the way)

I answered the door.

"Hi, come with me, master Deuce has asked of your arrival at the mansion." the guy said.

"What?" I asked.

"Deuce wants you to go home with him."

"Oh, why didn't you just say that."

"I have to speak properly on the job." I nodded.

"I have to go get something." I went into the kitchen and took the phone and called Deuce.

"Hey." I said when he answered.

"Hey, did the butler get there yet?"


"Ok, See you in a few." He hung up. I got my purple bag and got into the limo. it was a half an hour drive to the mansion. When I got there Theft ran up to me.

"Hi baby." I picked him up and squeezed him. He smiled and laughed and babbled some stuff he thought were words.

"Uh, hi." Deuce said, he took Theft from me and set him down on the ground.

"Hey!" I whined like a four year old. Theft came back over to me and I picked him back up.

"Hey, stop that, we need to talk." He took Theft and put him back on the ground and took my hand and dragged me behind the house.

"Who's watching him?" I asked.

"James." He said. I looked at him oddly but blew it off.

"So." I commented.

"So..." He repeated.

"About yesterday," We both said at them same time.

"Never happened?" He asked.

"Never happened." I agreed. We walked back over to the front of the house and went inside. A guy was with Theft in the living room watching Sponge bob.

"So, I'm guessing you're Riot?" The guy asked as he flipped his dark hair out of his eyes.

"Who want's to know?"

"Whoa, A little bitchy for a 15 year old, aren't we?" he said.

"A little jackass for a 17 year old, aren't we?"

"Hey! I'm 18."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, a one year difference."

"I'm James." I turned to Deuce.

"Wow, and you trust this guy with your kid?" He nodded and shrugged.

"Well I'm going to probably ask someone to drive me back home. Later." Deuce stopped me.

"No, we are staying here for tonight." What! no!

*that night (no you didn't miss much)*

"Night." I said to deuces dad. We were staying in his old room tonight. I was wearing a shirt of Deuces and some old sweats that didn't fit him anymore. I had to scrunch up the waist and tie it with one of my hair bands.

"Good night miss Riot." He said. I ran up the stairs, which were made of tile and were freezing cold on my bare feet. I walked into the room and silently closed the door.

"BOO!" Deuce yelled at me. I jumped.

"What was that for?" I asked. He shrugged. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You're such a child." He smiled. I climbed into the bed with him and turned out the light.

"Goodnight love." He said and kissed the top of my head.

"Night." I whispered and fell asleep soon after that.

Uninterested: The story of a boy and a girl Where stories live. Discover now