Chapter 112: Part Two: The End.

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Chapter 113 Part 2: The End.

"They have Paul and Sally..." I clench Riptide in my fist. Whoever they are they will pay.

Percy's jaw set I saw him clenching Riptide like he was about to jump through the phone and attack the person on the other end of the line.

"Percy...?" I repeat. He had said that they have his parents, but I didn't understand. There had to be something I was hearing right. Sally and Paul wouldn't just go with people.

Percy turns his head towards Annabeth his normally calm sea green eyes are now a stormy dark color. He looked ready to kill. The phone had dropped from his hand and he was gone faster than I thought it was possible. I race out of the Big House to find out where he went. I saw him climbing Half-Blood Hill towards the paparazzi, reporters and other mortal monsters.

"Sir, sir do you have anything to say about the accusations towards this place?!" One of the people behind a microphone and camera ask him. His dark eyes turn to the reporter and they all back up. He crosses Thalia's tree and marches down the other side.

I run back into the Big House, "Chiron, I have to go after Percy." He nods understanding. I look at Nico, "Nico I need your help." He looks up and his eyes are black pieces of coal.

"Of course," His tone is bitter and he sounded like he was physically injuring himself to be helping her. He grabs her wrist and closes his eyes; a skin peeling feeling comes over Annabeth and she feels like she's being broken in two then they are in New York. Sally and Paul's apartment; Percy sat in the small pink bedroom, he bopped up and down cradling a small bundle up and down cooing soothing words to it.

Annabeth turns to say thank you to Nico but for a split second she saw his face. She new that look, that hurt look when someone picks another over you and you know that there isn't a thing in the world you can do about it. He sees me looking and quickly turns stony and disappears.

I walk to the doorway of the soft pink room. The late afternoon light shines softly through the white window curtains onto Percy who gently holds onto his baby sister.

"You're going to have to be strong; mom and Paul will be back soon...I promise. It might take a little while but until we can get you back to them you're going to have to stay somewhere safe...I'll take you next door to Mrs. Glance, she'll take good care of you...yeah that's what I'll do." He walks towards the door and only then does he see Annabeth. I smile weakly at him, he holds my gaze but walks past me out of the apartment and down the hall.

He goes over to a door three down from his. He talks to a woman she just can't see. He hands over the baby girl and thanks her. He walks back to the apartment and goes into his room.

He doesn't say anything to me but I can see his grim determination that has become solid on his face.

He picks up Riptide and walks to the fire escape. Annabeth locks the front door and heads to see what he is doing. Only a moment to late does she see that he is flying away on Black Jack, but what catches her eye is the silver plant that sits beside the window of the fire escape. Moonlace only could be from Calypso; Annabeth knew about her but she still felt infuriated that she had almost kept Percy there forever.

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