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~Fifteen Years Later~

"Maxon! Leave me alone!"

Maxon sticks his tongue out at his little sister. "No way, Clara."

"I'll hurt you!"

"You can't catch us!" Oliver taunts before running away.

"Mother! The boys are being highly aggravating!" Aurelia whines.

Alexander and I give each other exasperated looks. Aurelia is ten, the oldest of our children. She has my hair and her father's eyes, the flipped verison of Oliver, the second oldest with dark blonde hair and green eyes. Maxon has brown hair- how he got it, we have no idea- and hazel eyes, and is the spitting image of his uncle, and Clara, the youngest at five, looks exactly like the aunt that she will never get to know.

Alexander cups his hands around his mouth. "Oliver! Maxon! Play with your sisters! You're going to miss them when they move off to a different country one day!"

The boys groan and turn around. Aurelia goes back to her stitching- which, for some reason, she enjoys- and Maxon and Oliver chatter on about going out to the gardens. "Your Majesties, if you don't mind, it is time for the childrens' lessons."

Alexander gives the maid a warm smile. "Go ahead, Taylora. They are getting on our nerves anyway."

She smiles and almost laughs before calling to the kids, who groan. A pretty little redheaded girl peeks her head around the corner, followed by her two older brothers. "Lily!" Oliver yells.

She giggles. They might be cousins, but they can somehow stand each other. I think it's because she beat him up last fall, but I could be wrong. Taylora offers me a final smile before leading the children off.

Alexander kisses my cheek. "How does it feel to be queen?"

"Strange. I don't feel like a queen at all."

He chuckles, sliding me closer. Afternoon sunlight keeps me warm, even in the chilly hallway. "You certainly look like one."

Queen Livia and King Ansen had given up their crowns to Alexander and I last spring. All of Illéa celebrated for weeks. It was nice to see everyone so happy.

He kisses the side of my neck. "What are you thinking about?"

I shake my head, turning my gaze from the gardens to him. "Nothing." I say. I pause for a moment. "How would you feel about having another kid?"

His expression is a strange and oddly attractive mix of a smirk and his infamous half-smile. "Why, Cassiana, are you suggesting something?"

"If by suggesting something you mean that I'm try to drop a hint to you that I'm pregnant, then yes, I am suggesting something."

His eyes widen. "How far in are you?"

"Only about a month."

He laughs, running a hand through his hair. "Well, this will be difficult to explain to the children."

I roll my eyes. "We'll just do what we did before. Really, it's not that hard."

"Says you. This whole pregnancy-and-growing-up-talk is really not my thing."

I kiss him on the cheek, grinning. "It's cute when you get all flustered about it."

He carefully slides an arm around my waist. He's always so careful with me, especially if I'm pregnant or something. When I told him that I was pregnant the first time, with Aurelia, he almost refused to touch me because he was afraid of hurting her. Mason was the same way, according to Aquia, but at least he got better.

"I love you." He kisses the tip of my nose. "I'd love you whether you had been an Eight or a Two or anything in between."

"Well, that was a little sappy."

He rolls his eyes. "Do me a favor and shut up, Cass."

"And why would I-" He cuts me off by planting his mouth firmly on mine. I smile and kiss him back, tangling my fingers in his hair.

He pulls away, breathing heavily. I'll never get tired of the way he looks at me- with so much love and adoration it makes you wonder how one person can have so much of it and still live. He pulls me against his chest and sighs, wrapping his arms loosely around my waist.

For once, I don't think of the could-have-beens or the what-ifs- I only think of him, and how perfect life will be after this.

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