October 24th 1694

143 2 0

The notification status says Stephanie Burmingham.

They've been calling me Stephi for a while now. I almost began to believe them. They said I wouldn't be long, just some simple paperwork. My journal says it's day 35 of this so called "processing". How did I end up in this mess? I will never truly know. They said I blacked out, but I'm sure I did no such thing. I do, however, remember bits and I remember while I dream only to forget so I'm starting this journal. 

I should probably recount who I am and how I got here. . . It sort of begins during the Salem trials, but I warn you completely unrelated. So just keep. By that I mean; I will only say what's important. I will show the view from my window though. I bet you'd have bad dreams too. The bodies are removed during the Nightfall festival. It keeps the "Ordinance". The Mayor has repeated this more often than naught. 

Now lets fast foward to the night of my afliction and conviction. 

You may have been thinking I thought I was insane and being put inot an institution. Well you were halfway there. I'm sure you think what a sad journal this will be but you're not even there yet. This is the beginning of it all. 

My name is not Stephanie Burmingham. Or any variation. My true name cannot be said or spoken at this point in time. It will cause panic, fear, and destruction. I am at bay with the notion. They've locked me away from others. I sit in a cell deep underground but there is a benefit to it. I find that I am well fed, nourished. My meals are prepared with caution, and care but it is done out of fear that I shall and will harm them. 

Granted I can, but I won't. I see no reason for it. I am a kind hearted woman. I've only killed those under the willow, the willow stays nourished that way. 

The soil rich the wilow aubrun with the hue. I only kill for the willow and the willow kills for me. 

"Around the oak the folk down the tree, merrily merrily life is but a seed." 

There's a ritual to it. 

I want to give back and the earth will help me. I know death is a curse aflicted upon the common man, but I am no man; I have curves. I have the same auburn hair color as my willow. . . It's been 35 days. . .it hasn't fed. My willow will curse us all if I don't get out and the Mayor knows it to be true but the new Constable doesn't know how it works. 

The process is simple enough. Find the ones with highest penalty and feed the willow. Call them witches if the need is great and the true witches know who they are. We all know who they are. The ones in this town have nothing to hide, except from the Constable. 

We are all open with each other with one another. Unlesss you're new. We aren't too fond of Outsiders. If you're moving to this town you will be watched by us until we deem it safe. The are only the four who can deem you. . . myself, The Mayor, the Towns Founder, and the Original Constable. 

Our town was built in 1355 and kept very hush. Until the trials began and we were over run with the beggers, the wannabes, the real ones, and covens. We were very open with Covens and taught them only for them to turn on us. Covens are now prohibited. We will, however, let a solitary join my Coven. Nightfall. 

I give them a ring. If they trust us they will live, if they don't. . .well. . .lets just hope they do. I remember one, her name evades me, pretty gal no older than I was at the time, ah yes, Trinity, what a holy name. She was very dear to me at one point. 

Only for the fact I found she would do anything for me but the day I inducted her officially she died of a mysterious ailment. Possibly arsenic from the ring I'd given her. Anyhow, if you survive the poison or the willow during the Nightfall Festival or induction. You are in my coven. 

My coven currently conisist of the four and we each control a portion of the town, a large portion, but this new constable. . .doesn't seem to comprehend who we are. He sees my body laden property and jumps to the assumption we've been committing mass murders of Witches. Now why would I kill my own kind? Answer me that. Humans. . .another story but not witches. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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