The Story of Comma (he's totally like Fullstop but so totally different.)

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Once upon a time, there was a little guy.  His name was Comma.  Nobody really digged him that much.  He was only half the man “Fullstop” was.  “Fullstop was always lording it about in people’s stories, essays and newspapers, Comma on the other hand seemed to be something reserved purely for a select group of people.  Plus there was Fullstop’s sidekick “And-Then”, the pair of them thought they were so it.  They were everywhere.  Comma was sad, so he went and spoke to his friend Semi-Colon.

“Semi-Colon, why does nobody like me?”, asked Comma glumly.

“I don’t think it’s that they don’t like you, Comma my friend, I think it’s people don’t understand you.  You’re very misunderstood.”

“You get me though, don’t you?”

“Of course I do, mate.  I get you totally.  Why?  Because I read books and I have seen your work.  You are not be sniffed at.”

“Gee thanks, Semi Colon.  You really know how to make my day.”

So off Comma skipped.  Before long he ran in to Fullstop who has giving it large to a gaggle of girls who seemed to think he was the best thing since sliced bread and that the sun shone out of his....

“Are you busy, Fullstop?” yelled Comma.

“No.  Fullstop.”  Answered Fullstop.

“Right, well listen to this, girls, and you too Fullstop, I’ve got something to say.  When you are writing a piece of literature and you are writing a really long, long sentence about how Shaznay, the most popular girl in school fancies Gordon, the biggest geekiest bookworm in the world, and it’s all getting a bit intense, here’s a tip.  Call on me.  Comma.  Just pop me in there and guess what?  I slow the sentence right down.  I can even add some humour or drama.”

“That is so FRICKEN’ neat”, exclaimed Chantella who was now staring dewey eyed at Comma.

“Also, if you are writing something a bit X-rated, ladies.... roll me in.  I have been known to make the mood a little bit sexy...” purred Comma.

Fullstop’s mouth hit the floor.

The girls linked arms with Comma and together they strolled off in to the sunset.

“Oh Comma, you are so dreamy.  Where are we going?”

“Well, girls, I’m off to take you to meet another friends of mine . I think you’ll like him.  His name is Originality and he lives with his wife Realistic.  They've got kids too!  Their names are Pace, Structure, Spelling and Grammar.  They have a fifth child, a boy called Edward Cullan but nobody actually gives a sh*t about him because he's a whiney anaemic prick who lacks in Originality.  Mainly because Originality isn’t his real father.  You’ll love the rest of them though.  Let’s go!”

And with that, Comma and his gaggle of girls were gone, leaving Fullstop to wonder where it had all gone wrong.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2011 ⏰

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