Life in Six Chapters

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I have this article in my archives called “Life in Six Chapters” (anonymous). This is a reflection of one man’s habitual sin of falling down into a “hole”. Whatever your “hole” maybe, listen to what the Bible says in Galatians 5:16, “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”

As you read this article, may God lead you by His Spirit to get to Chapter Six. Get out of the hole quickly. 

Life in Six Chapters

I walk down the street...

there is a hole in the street.

I fall into the hole... but I do not know I am in it.

Finally I see the hole and try to get out.

It takes a long time to get out of the hole.

I walk down the same street..

the hole is still there... I see the hole.

I fall into the hole again.... but I recognize where I am,

and I want to be out of the hole.

It still takes a long time to get out of the hole.

I walk down the same street...

the hole is still there... I see the hole and

still fall into the hole again... it has become familiar..

But I have learned how to get out of the hole and..

Get out of the hole much quicker.

I walk down the same street...

the hole is always going to be there in this street.

I see the hole..... and recognize it.. and think fondly of it..

but I think I don't want to be in the hole again.

But I walk directly toward the hole and fall in again.

I get out immediately.

I walk down the same street...

the hole hasn't moved... I like the looks of the hole

Yet I remember I don't want to be in the hole...

I remember the feelings in the hole.. I veer away...

I walk around the hole and continue on my way.

I go for a walk.... I walk down a different street.

Answering God's CallTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon