Chapter thirty-three: Acclimatising

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A NEW CHAPTER. That's a miracle. But anyway, I hope you haven't given up on me (or on this story), so I hope you enjoy!!!

Lots of Love, Indah

recap (Charlie's POV)

Her long bronze hair was soaked and her high heeled boots were standing in a puddle of water and sand.  Two green eyes watched me with great curiosity. Then I remembered what I recognised her from. Her appearance was very similar to those of the Cullens, especially of that bastard.

A smile formed on her lips when she looked at me and she started speaking. “I do not believe we have met before. Eliza Masen, you must be Bella’s father. May I come in?”

Chapter Thirty-Three: Acclimatizing.


~Eliza’s POV~


Charlie looked at me with utter surprise, like he couldn’t decide whether to let me in or let me stay outside with the rain pouring down from the sky. “Edward’s sister?” he said, almost choking in his words. “Like I just said, I have a name. Certainly with you, it’s probably not the best reference there is to make.”

Charlie swallowed. “The others. Are they also here?” It was clearly visible that he wanted my answer to that to be ‘no’.  And I could offer him that.  “They’re not. I need you to know that I am here to help Bella. I can explain myself, but will you please let me in?” He seemed to have to think about that for a while. Then he just nodded and I stepped over the threshold.

Though nothing had changed in the house, I knew for a fact that Jasper would run away screaming. Tension was almost visible in the air. “Why would you come back? Why you and not..” Charlie clearly had problems pronouncing the name. “The first thing that you need to know about me, is that I am not my brother. However, I can’t help feeling responsible. He told me about leaving and I tried to convince him not to, because I got this feeling… it just wouldn’t end well.

He wouldn’t listen to me. And after a couple of months, I even saw him breaking down. And of all I know about Bella, strength isn’t exactly her strongest point. And I just couldn’t even imagine if he was looking like this, how she would be. That’s when I decided to come over here. Because it felt like the only justified thing to do.”

There was a long silence. Charlie’s eyes had gone from surprise to anger and now he seemed to think: “Maybe bloodlines aren’t everything”, because he seemed to throw all his desperation in his next few sentences. “That’s great, I mean, that’s incredibly kind of you, but sometimes I wonder if she can be helped. It scares me, ‘Eliza’ (my name seemed to be coming out hesitantly), it’s not like someone’s left her, it’s like someone’s dead.  And she’s going down with him.”

I was speechless. “Where is she by the way?” “Upstairs, sleeping, waking up crying every night. I just don’t see her anymore.” “I’m gonna help her,” I said, more for myself than for Charlie. “I have to and I will.” Charlie looked at me, like I was the first person who had said that to him. Which I probably was. “Do you even have a place to sleep?” “Uhm...” To say I didn’t need one would be rather awkward, wouldn’t it?  “No, I don’t, actually.”

“You can sleep on the couch if you want to.” He said, totally uncomfortable. “That’s great. Thanks.” “I’ll just go to bed then,” he said, pointing towards the clock. “Sure, I’ll be okay.” So that left me, on the couch with a blanket with totally no clue about what to do next.

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