Broken Silence - Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


I watched her walk back into the house, and I couldn’t move off the step. She’s back. My heart threatened to leap out of my chest. I can’t believe she’s here. All I wanted to do was kiss her. The door closed, shutting her off from me, and I felt sick. Jumping up, I followed her into the house.

Maybe I shouldn’t have said all that, but I needed to tell her. I hated when she was upset, and knowing I’d caused it made me feel like shit, but at least it was out there.

Oakley stood with everyone else in the kitchen, her back to me. She was taller, just a little though. Since she now wore make-up, she looked older. I suspect if she took it off she would look exactly the same. She still had the angelic face and soft, smooth skin. Her hair was down to her waist and streaked with lighter blonde highlights.

“Where’s Mia?” Oakley asked my mum. The sound of her voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. She really did have a very sexy husky voice. I wanted to grab her, carry her to my room, lock the door, and make up for lost time.

“She’ll be back soon. She’s just taken Fifi to Fun to Play.”

Oakley turned, following Mum as she moved to the fridge. She frowned. “Taken who to what?”

I laughed and stepped forwards, just a little bit closer. She turned around and took a deep breath.

“Leona. She’s taken Leona to one of those indoor soft play centres,” I replied. Oakley nodded, biting her bottom lip. Her beautiful blue eyes were glazed over slightly from crying.

“I don’t think they’ll be long. Are you staying to wait for her?” Mum asked.

I watched Oakley’s reaction carefully; she looked so torn.

Sarah touched Mum’s arm and smiled. “We have time. I’d love to see Mia again, and meet Leona.” I could have kissed her.

Oakley smiled at her mum, that fake little smile that didn’t reach her eyes. She doesn’t want to stay. Not that I could be surprised after our conversation. She had to know that she was wrong, and I was never better off without her in my life.

What she said about not being good enough for me was just ridiculous. I hated that she felt that way about herself. I should have killed Max and Frank when I had the chance. They deserved to rot in prison for what they did.

“Dude, your hair looked better before,” Jasper said, staring at my head.

“Thanks, Jasper. Missed you too.”

Jasper’s eyes flicked to his sister; they looked like they were having some weird silent conversation. Finally, she nodded and rolled her eyes. And that means what? Four years ago, it was me and Oakley that could have a conversation without words.

“Oh my God! I’m so glad you’re staying for a bit. We’re gonna watch a movie, so come sit,” Kerry said, pulling Oakley and Jasper towards the sofas. Over the past four years, the only thing that changed about Kerry was the length of her hair. She was still the same, slightly crazy, over-talking, hyperactive girl.

I sat beside Oakley without thinking about it. It still felt natural to be close to her. She sat awkwardly; her body was tense. It was like she was nervous. My leg was almost touched hers, and I could feel the heat radiating from her.

“What’s the movie?” Jasper asked Kerry, blatantly staring at her cleavage. He hadn’t changed a bit!


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