Chapter 4

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Hey Guys!!!!!! Thank you soooooooo much for your comments and votes! I really appreciate it :) And I hope this chapter goes just as well if not better..............






Talulah's pov

Talulah exhaled in relief as the lunch bell rang and collected all her things as fast as she could. The whole period Naya was bugging her about why she was late to class again and Talulah couldn't answer without blushing at the memory.

Damn Masen and his sexy body. Damn him to hell.

In the closet before she had felt so helpless against him, but so protected too. Did that even make sense? Anyhow, Talulah didn't like feeling like that. So weak and dependent. That was partly the reason she lashed back.

And he had to ask about Zach. I mean, what is his problem? First assaulting me. The eavesdropping. Then dragging me to a dark closet. He could be a murderer for all I know!

But he felt so good when he helped me. And he wants to be friends.


Talulah felt a pang in her chest she couldn't explain. The word almost tasted wrong in her mouth and her body was reacting strangely against it.

Well. At least being friends would keep him from doing things to me.

Talulah speed walked to her locker, intent on going into lunch without Naya noticing. She loved Naya, she did. But sometimes she could be a tad bit overbearing. Especially when she finds out that the new buy has a hold on Talulah.

NO! No, he doesn't! He's just different. And he's the new alpha. So obviously I would react differently. Of course, that's it. I'm just nervous with the new alpha in town, considering his waaaaay more powerful than my pack put together.

Satisfied with that thought she walked with the other students to the cafeteria and stood in line to get her lunch.

"Tried to ditch me did you?"

Taulah jumped and nearly shrieked at the sudden voice behind her. Why was she always distracted?

"God Naya! You scared the hell out of me!"

"Whatever. Why are you avoiding me? What happened girl?"

Now how to get out of this one.

Talulah laughed nervously. She was never one to lie to her friend and she did it horribly when she had to.

"I wasn't avoiding you! I was... uh... "

Naya cut in before Talulah could finish her brilliant excuse. Emphasis in brilliant.

"Mr Evans' pet said you had detention. You went right?"

Argh! Another detention to add to the list.

"Yeah sure. Let's go with that," Talulah muttered under her breath. Out loud she said," Uh-huh. See I wasn't avoiding you. I had detention. With Mr Evans. In his classroom. Nobody else. And I certainly wasn't in a dark closet somewhere against my will." Time to shut up now Talulah. Talulah tried to smile but she was sure it came out more of a grimace.

Naya just looked at her as if she was wondering if she was high.

Maybe I should be. I really need to take my mind off him.

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