Chapter 13

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My head was spinning and I was grinding up against some random guy for the hundreth time tonight. I have never had so much fun. I felt free and happy. My bottle still in my hands. The Vodka burned as it travled down my throat but I didn't care as long as it makes me feel like this.

I started singing along to the song "D-dancing in the dark! Tell me baby if it's wrong to let my hands do what they want! Late at night I pretend that we are d-d-dancing it the dark!" Swaying my hips back and forth I felt tired all of a sudden. Slowley I worked my way to the stairs still singing.

My room.... which way....... Oh god i'm going to be sick.......

That's when I started running. Finally I found what I thought was my room. Ryler was just about to lay down on his bed he looked pretty bad him self.

"Sorry!" I yelled as i ran into the bathroom. Kneeling in front of the toilet I started throwing up my stomach.

"I thought it was my room. I'm sorry Ryler!!" I started sobbing. "I'm sorry"

"It's okay. How much did you drink?" He pulled my hair back out of my face.

"I don't know. All I know is theres not much Vodka left in my bottle." I layed my head on the toilet.

Ryler scooped me up bridal style and that's the last thing i remember before passing out.

*************************************Next morning.........**************************************

Groaning I rolled over only to land on the floor with a loud thump and a cry of agony. My head is pounding.

Brief memories from last night started flashing through my head. The alcohol. The dress. The dancing. The guys and then me pucking.

So this is what a hang over is. I don't like it. I think it was worth it though. If I could just get up. Slowley I opened my eyes. "Ahh light go away!" I shrieked and closed my eyes.

"Kenzie is that you?" Someone said from on the bed. Leting out a small yelp I said yea. " My head hurts." I started to stand up. I held onto the bed for a few minutes to catch my balance.

Today was going to be a fun day I could already tell. What was my aunt going to think?

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