Chapter Four- Allons-y!

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A/N- This chapter has been rebooted and improved, so please let me know what you think!
A/N- Second reboot added. (12/02/14)

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams.

-   Dr. Seuss

It was impossible to not smile when I was I holding John as he slept peacefully next to me on the couch. Though last night had been the first night I’d actually slept properly in a long time, I couldn’t drift off- my mind kept spinning round in endless circles, and all I could think about was John. The single person who’d made me doubt and drop my previous thoughts of sentiment being a chemical defect found only in the losing side. Oh, how Mycroft would disapprove. But now, here I was, holding the piece of my heart that until recently enough in my years I hadn’t even known to exist.

If this is the losing side, then let me stay here.

At one point during the night, I received a rather surprising text- stretching my arm to the coffee table carefully as not to wake my doctor, I picked up the phone and slid my finger across the screen to switch it on. The solitary message popped up;

Merry Christmas, brother- any time you’re ready. – MH

With a smirk, I replied with words I never thought I’d actually end up saying;

Merry Christmas, Mycroft, and thank you. – SH

Throughout the night, John talked inconsistently in his sleep; sometimes, he’d repeat my name several times, or say something like; “Stay with me.” Each time he said that, though he most likely couldn’t hear me, I replied with; “I will.” When I wasn’t replying, I spent the majority of the night and early hours of Boxing Day filling a new room in my mind palace with ways to make him happy- my arrogance and tendency to be insulting and appear unfeeling could be problematic if that lingered. Hopefully not- though it was hard to tell, because everything seemed to come so oddly naturally with John. Maybe I was growing warmer…

I just hoped I wasn’t rubbish at it.

The next morning, I woke up as I had fallen asleep, eyes fluttering over to meet those of my blogger who was already awake and playing with a loose curl. I closed my eyes and purred happily as he greeted me with a sweet kiss.

“Alright there, sleepyhead?” He propped himself into a sitting position, pulling me with him so my head rested against his shoulder and my body leant against his leg, cradling me gently.

“Mmhmm,” I replied, smiling, and gave him a small nod before nestling further into him.

We stayed like this for a while as I went through the stages of waking up, before he kissed my forehead and left for his old room to get changed and freshen up. During the time, I had a quick shower and changed into my clothes, greeting him as I walked out of the bathroom and made my way to the kitchen and began to attempt to make coffee- I forgot not to put sugar in John’s, and ended up having to pour it again. Though I wasn’t actually that bad at cooking, or even making hot drinks, I hadn’t done it in a long time so it would take a while to get back in the swing of things. Still, I felt obliged to help out more around the flat. John didn’t deserve a boyfriend who did fuck all to help out when he already deserved better than… Well, me.

As I was about to pour it, John walked into the kitchen, rubbing his damp hair with a towel so it frizzed up adorably. He looked a bit like a hedgehog. I didn’t usually make human-animal comparisons- it seemed a waste of time, but not with John.

Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now