Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I'm a little bit freaked out because of what I have to do if I loose. He's freaked out too. I knew that he would never turn down a bet that's why I said what I said, but I didn't know that he would match my standards with something higher. If I don't win this I'm going to have a melt down. I'm sure Ryan will to.

Before I could walk over the threshold of the new club, I could already feel the beat pulsing through my body. Me and Ryan pushed through the grinding bodies trying to find are way to the drinks. When we found the little mini bar in the front I saw a very handsome man siting in one of the stools. I took the empty stool next to him and acted as if I didn't know he was sitting there. For a moment there was nothing but silence, so I was the first one to break the ice.

“Why are you here alone?” I looked him over one more time. He had dark black hair that was starting to grow over his face, bushy eye brows, and a very sexy jaw line. He wore a deep burgundy shirt with regular jeans and some really nice sneakers. This guy looked good.

“Because I'm living the single life!” he roared.

“Well how would you like to have your self a one night stand?” I'm pretty sure I just made myself sound like I was desperate, but in this case I was. I really want to win this bet. It's not about how many numbers I can get, it's more than that. If I win this bet I can finally introduce him to my parents.

“I'm kinda in the mood for a guy tonight.” I hope I did not just hear that. I have nothing against gays, but I just don't get what some people see in the same body parts. I can be friends with someone whose into that. I just can't date one.

“What?” It came out sounding stunned. Ryan was sitting right behind us, and I could here him chuckling. I wanted so bad to turn around and slap him in the neck.

“I'm bi, but if I change my mind I'll give you a call.” he explained. This such and uncomfortable position.

“How about I give you a call at midnight, and you let me know if you've changed your mind.” I said trying to seem as cool as possible. I don't like to be the one that's stepping all over people feelings, so I'm not going to tell him no thanks after the fact that I was the one that came onto him.

“Sure, you know your different.” he said as he was writing down his number.

“How?” I asked.

“Usually when a girl hears I'm bi, they run for the hills.” At this Ryan's chuckling became hysterical laughing. I tried not to pay attention, because it was just making me feel more uncomfortable.

“Well I'm not just any girl.” I replied.

“I can see that...”

“Katelyn.” I lied. I didn't want to give him my real name. He could be a stalker and I not know it.

“Well Katelyn, I'm Andrew. Here's my number.” he said handing me his number. “See you on the dance floor.” When he got up I let out a big gush of air, and asked the bartender for another drink. I'm gonna need it to get through this night.

I had already gotten ten numbers, and the place was starting to get over crowded. We've been here for at least forty-five minutes now, and we've got fifteen minutes until midnight. I've had only three drinks, and my vision isn't so good right now. Neither are my actions. I've had to hold my self back from making out with at least four of the guys that I've talked to. I've been on the dance floor since I've been here, and I have no idea where Ryan is. I just hope that I won this bet, because I really don't fell like grabbing more numbers. I'm thirsty and tired, which reminds me. There's a bartender!

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