Chapter 6: Aftermath

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Chris POV

I took Alysha to Deaton's clinic since it was a supernatural issue. "Deaton I need you, now!" I yelled as I walk to the back of the office and placed Alysha on the table. Deaton came out from a room and walked next to Alysha. "Mr. Argent, What happened?" Deaton asked as he examined Alysha. "She was attacked by an Omega I found her at Derek's old house in the woods" I was worried about her. Deaton cleaned and dressed her wounds, "She'll be fine soon, please take a seat" Deaton said as he threw the blood stained towels in the bin.

Chris sat down on the chair waiting for Alysha to wake up, suddenly his phone rings, it was Allison. "Hey dad, where are you?" she asked. "Hey sweetheart, I'm just at Deaton's clinic" I answered. "What are you doing there?" she was worried, "Alysha has been injured, she's ok, just unconscious" I'm hoping she ok. "I'm heading over there now!" she hung up the phone. I put my phone back in my pocket and waited.

Alysha's POV

Everything was black, all I could see was darkness, no sound, nothing. I was so scared, every so often that man, his face pops up and it's makes me cry and all I want to do is scream for help but there is no one. Suddenly, this white wolf came out of the darkness and stared at me with its red eyes. Then it bowed and disappeared, 'what the hell?'

"How's she doing, Dad?" I hear a voice, I recognize that voice, it's Allison. "I don't know, she hasn't moved yet" said other voice, it was Chris. I started to fight the darkness and I felt my fingers move and my head move. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, my vision was blurry for a few seconds. I took in my surroundings, I was in Deaton's clinic, the lights were on, 4 figure were at my side. My vision was clear now and I saw who was around me, Deaton, Chris, Allison and... Isaac. I slowly began to sit up and everyone helped me, "Take it easy, ok" Deaton said as I was now fully sit up.

Isaac went to hug me but I shifted away as I was scared of being touched by anyone. "Alysha, What's wrong?" Isaac asked in a worried tone. "I.. I... I.." I was scared, the memory of that man was fresh in my mind. "Alysha, what happened?" Deaton asked, I looked at Deaton and tears began to flow down my face, so I looked down. I took a deep breath "Allison, Chris please take me home" I said as Allison helped me off the table and we walked to Chris's car.

The trip was silent all the way home, we got out of the car and I went straight to my room it was midnight. I just sat on my bed, staring at the floor, I quickly looked at the time, it's was 2:30am, 'I have been sitting here for 2 and a half hours' I thought. I lied down and tried to get some sleep but every time I close my eyes I see that man laughing at me, so I just lay on the bed staring at the ceiling.

It was morning now the sun was up and the birds were chirping and I was still awake. I heard foot steps then a knock on my door. "Alysha, can I come in?" Allison asked through the door, "Yea" I answered, sadly. Allison came in and sat on my bed, "Hey, are you ok?" she asked with a worried look on her face. "No.. no I'm not" I said, sadly. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked, "Not really but I'll tell you o...ok" I said firmly. Allison nodded, I explained to her most of what happened and she was comforting me the whole time. "What did he do to you?" Allison asked worried as she might already know what he did. " me" I broke down into tears & Allison hugged me, "Shh everything going to be fine" she assured me.

Allison had told Chris what happened to me and he gave me a hug, comforting me as I cried again into his chest. Allison had gone to school and Chris let me stay home as long as I needed too. I lie on my bed staring at the ceiling....again, Chris knocks on my door which is open. I sit up "Hey, do you want anything to eat?" He asked "No thanks I'm good" I replied. Chris went to leave but I stopped him "Chris" I got his attention and he turned around. "Yes" he said "Can I ask you something?" I asked, then Chris came into my room and sat on the end of my bed. "Of course you can, What's on your mind?" he looked at me, worry in his eyes. "How did you find me that night?" I asked.

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