Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I don't own the material in this story except for what I come up with, the rest belongs to J.K Rowling.

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Oh and I so stupidly forgot to add the part in the 2nd chapter about how Malfoy got hurt by the hippogriff. I only added a little bit so it wasn't drastic. So if you want to check that out you can. :) Sorry.


Chapter 6.

 " Poor Hagrid." Hermione muttered as we all walked back to the castle.

On the way back we saw the hippogriff Buckbeak chained to a post, unaware that it was sentenced to death. Well it's not's hearing is soon, but we all know what will happen. Mr. malfoy always get's his way. It will be killed.

" I can't believe that there is such scum like the Malfoy's even on this planet." Ron spat.

I ignored that comment and looked down at Harry's and I's intertwined fingers. Strangely it didn't feel wrong holding his hand, it felt good. To everyone else, this was a sign of romance, but to us, it was like a brotherly and sisterly thing. We didn't look at each other in a romantic way. We are attached at the hip, it's true, but that doesn't mean that we are in love. Don't get me wrong, I love him with all my heart, and he loves me, just not in that way. People seem oblivious to that.

Hermione is making me keep up the pretense of us going out, she has also told Ron that it wasn't a real relationship, though she didn't tell him why. Ron would flip if he heard that I may *cough* have a *cough* crush... again *cough* on Draco Malfoy. If feels so wierd coming out of my mouth. I don't like to admit that I even glimpse him in a romantic way.

The whole school for awhile went back to how it was when I was in first year. Everyone stared, even the teachers. Voldemort's daughter holding hands with the boy who lived must be a comical image to them. We were officially like a celebrity couple.

" I know it's outrageous Ron." Hermione said quietly.

" Don't talk to me." Ron said angrily to her.

" Ron!" Harry snapped at Ron. " Don't talk to her that way."

" Why not? Her ugly cat killed Scabbers! He's gone!" Ron choked on the end.

" I said I was sorry Ron." Hermione said tearing up. " Why can't you forgive me already."

" I'll forgive you when you bring Scabbers back!" He snarled.

Hermione looked at her shoes and tried to hold back her tears.

" Ok guys enough. We bettter get back to school. Breakfast is almost over. Divination is soon." I said glaring at Ron.

We all sped up and made our way to Divination. We were the first ones there and I reluctantly took my assigned seat in the back of the room. Sooner or later Malfoy will come in and sit across from me.

Lately I could hardly even stand to look at him. He glared even harder at me and tried even harder to make fun of Harry. His accusing glare seemed to follow me everywhere. I haven't seen the old Malfoy anywhere in his eyes in weeks, it hurt.

" Ok class..." Professor Trelawney said.

I jumped at the sound of her voice and saw that the rest of class had already come in. Wow, I was spaced out.

I saw Malfoy roll his eyes at me from my peripheral vision and turned to glare at him.

 "today we will be diving into the art of the crystal ball. I want one person from each table to go get a crystal ball for you to share with your partner. You will be trying to see images in the ball. Please write down anything you see, whether it be a color, an object or a scene carried out in front of you. You will spend the remaining class period peering into the ball and talking to your partner about what you see. Tomorrow when you come in we will work on what the images you see mean. Now get to work." Trelawney said.

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