Chapter 18

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For awhile no one spoke to me because i wasnt 'patriotic' and it only got them even more mad when i pointed out that i wasnt even from here. For awhile it went on like that, getting detention after detention for me atleast, Harry stayed out of trouble.

In October Gryfindor had its first Quiditch match against Slytherin and i was watching intently because of the upcoming fight. Finally when the game had finished you could see that Draco was saying stuff to Ron, Fred, George and Harry after a few minutes Harry grabbed hold of Fred, Alicia Grabbed George and Katie and the other chaser grabbed Ron. Then Draco said something to Harry and they lunged on him, kicking punching every part of him. It was really funny to watch until ofcourse Mcgonagol broke it up. She marched Fred and Harry up to her office and me and Kim tip toed up there to eavesdrop by the door, "and choosing Muggle Dueling to be your form of arguing" she was saying. "But Professor-" someone said "no butts Potter, Detention for the both of you" she said "oh i think that that is nowhere near ebough punishment Minerva" the toad said "I think these two should be kicked off the team for what they have done and for good measure this young man's twin should be kicked off aswell" She said then the door opened and we were smacked with the wood. "Ouch" Kim mumbled slightly muffled "what the.?" Harry said then i stood up and put a finger to my lips and pointed into the office. They closed the door and then the four of us walked back to the Common Room "that toad how can she kick the 3 best players off the team!" Kim said sounding very angry when we were finally in the common room and we were seeing if theyd gotten hurt. Fred did have a busted lip so right now she was mending to it "She knows nothing of Quiditch" Fred said "not even she just wants Slytherin to win the Cup Finally! But that sure isnt going to happen" i said aplying a bit too much force to the cotton ball i was using to clean harry's cheek "Ouch!" he yelled. "Sorry" i said then an idea hit me "Hey you know what we should do?" i asked them "what?" Kim answered "lets have an i hate Umbridge Party!" i said "we can haave it on Halloween so if we get cvaught we cover up and saw it was a halloween party!" i said. "Yeah we should" Fred agreed "Ill go ask dean to make a poster for it" Kim said and walked over to Dean and Seamus whoe were angrily talking about the Slytherins. The rest of the day me Dean and Kim were workking on the posters and Fred Harry and Seamus were talking about Quiditch. Eventually i made my way upstairs and into bed.

The Next Day i woke up a little earlier than usual but since i couldnt get back to sleep i decided to go down to breakfast. When i got there i was one of the few who were there but not long after i had sat down Blaise got there and sat down next to me, i ignored him. "Come on Tori talk to me" he said after many attempts at conversation "Mai" (Never) i had become good at Italian since he kept teaching me so now i used it when i was mad at him which wasnt often. "Oh come on it wasnt my fault Potter got kicked off the team" he whined "Cura Non sei ancora un Serpeverde" (Dont care you're still a Slytherin) i said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder then did puppy eyes "please talk to me?" he said "N.O" i said just then Harry and Ron walked in and saw Blaise "why are you hugging my girlfriend Zabini?" Harry growled as he sat next to me "fine fine let go of me already!" i said he smirked and kept eating "to answer your question Potter" Zabini said "it was his very childish attemp to get me to talk to him" i said. "But it worked" Blaise pointed out and i glared "so Blaise are you gonna come to our Halloween party?" Kim asked as she sat down infront of me "oh?" he asked and looked at me "your having a party and you didnt invite me?" he asked "actually it was her idea" Kim said. "Alright alright Blaise would you like to go to our Halloween party?" i asked "cant doing Patrol with Draco on Halloween" he said "but your not a Prefect" Kim said "no im talking about Umbridges Club thing" he said "your a member of that?!" Ron said "I lost a bet with Draco alright!" Blaise said as a red tint appeared on his cheeks.

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