{Four}Immortal Academy l Midnight Kiss; Book One.

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Book: One.

Chapter: Four; Friend Or Foe? Hunter Or Vampire?

Turned out, Raquel was a half Destined blood, half Aristocracy. Meaning, she had the ability of illusions, visions. But what she lacked of was combat skills. She wanted to be Georgina's third Turned out, Raquel was a half Destined blood, half Aristocracy. Meaning, she had the ability of illusions, visions. But what she lacked of was combat skills. She wanted to be Georgina's third custodian. And of course, Lukas agreed. He began to train us using our illusions, and he himself as a 'guinea pig'. Lukas brought us to the hall which was no longer popular to be used as.

"Concentrate on how you want to confuse your opponent. What you want the opponent to feel. But not what you are feeling." He told us. He needed to start one by one. So he started with me first.

"Imagine the opponent is a Vampire Hunter. The type that kills any vampire. He doesn't care if you're a Swornblood, Destined Blood, Aristocracy or Crypto. He wants you dead. What do intend to show him?" He began, asking me what I'd do.

If you're an illusionist and a combat fighter, you can't just sit down and illustrate right? But he made me sit down first. He said it was easier. To be trained. I didn't get it, but I still sat down. What I wanted to show the hunters... I thought. The pain of killing us. But of course not. I just needed to change the environment. I concentrated on imagining a deep and sinful backdrop. To show how much sorrow had been placed on us to just kill us vampires. I chose that, and closed my eyes tight, deep in concentration. It was like pulling an elastic band. Raquel gasped, and I opened my eyes slightly.

The backdrop was just like how I'd imagined. Dark red colored the walls of the hall, sinister colors. And there it was. The aura of pure evil, something dark brewing. I left a part of mine concentrating on it, and I opened my eyes wider.

"That's right. Rosaline, you're doing it right." Lukas said to me.

Suddenly, something seeped into my mind, and the elastic band snapped back into its original shape. I gasped out loud, as another vision took place.

This time, I wasn't in my body. I was in someone else's. It was a male. He was running hard and fast through the forest. It was dark. As though someone was chasing him. I could hear the hard, loud footsteps of the pursuer. Soon, he ran up to the gates of the Lucifer's Academy. I recognized our school because of the "L'sA" placed on the gates. And partly because of the Gothic gates our school used. I could hear hounds. The boy was torn, and bloody. He was a Destined blood. I could feel the blood of a Swornblood and Destined blood mixing in him. He was gasping, and bleeding. The gates of the Immortal Academy slid open. Separating the L and A in the "LA". Georgina stood there, smiling. The boy stepped into the gates, safe from his pursuers.

"Welcome to the Immortal Academy, Eriol." Georgina said, her arms opening into a embrace.

That was end of the vision. I blinked twice to clear my eyesight. Lukas and Raquel were looking at me, concerned.

"Your eyes just turned... , I don't know, diluted. And the illusion disappeared straight away." Lukas commented, after I told them the vision. We were standing at the school gates. Yes, It was dark, and it fitted the vision perfectly. I didn't know why Georgina would welcome Eriol. we were out of sight from Georgina. Georgina had no idea we were spying on her. There, she stood, waiting at the gates. Not that there were no guards. She hypnotized them, a advantage to Swornbloods.

Suddenly, the sky turned darker, and the vision began. I heard the footsteps of a runner running towards the school, hounds howling. Georgina tensed. I was about to turn towards her, when Raquel grabbed my wrist, and shook her head. The gates of Lucifer's Academy opened, and Eriol ran in. We tensed, as the gates began to close again.

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